13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (2024)

Brighten Your Outdoor Life


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (1)

With a little imagination and under $100, you can transform your patio and backyard into a magical retreat. The key ingredient is string lights—with different styles including fairy lights, Edison bulbs, icicle lights, and globe lights. Almost all outdoor string lights are now available with LED bulbs, which are more energy-efficient than incandescent filaments. You can also find solar string lights, which don’t require an electrical socket or extension cord.

Tiny twinkling lights strung in trees, or wrapped around fence posts, require little installation and offer almost instant enjoyment. Hanging globe lights over an outdoor dining area or pool takes a little more set up time. But with the right hanging kit, you’ll be surprised at the beautiful effect—and will doubtless want to relax and entertain outside more often.


Make a Magical Patio


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (2)

What a difference twinkle lights can make. Emma, who blogs at A Beautiful Mess, transformed her patio into an inviting outdoor nest by twining Christmas lights around ceiling beams. One trick is to buy lights with a cord color that matches and blends into the surroundings. Emma chose brown corded lights (available on Amazon) to make the whole look seamless and elegant.

Related: 8 New Ideas for DIY Outdoor Lighting

A Beautiful Mess

Dine Al Fresco


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (3)

Vintage bulbs, with their exposed filaments, bring an industrial and timeless feel to these DIY string light poles, designed by J. Sorelle for The Home Depot. Using aspen tree trunks secured into concrete bases, a single strand of globe lights (available at The Home Depot) drapes across the table for a perfect party setting.

J. Sorelle for The Home Depot

Lounge by the Chiminea


If your outdoor seating area is under-utilized after dark, try this method for bringing light. Sarah of Thrifty Decor Chick offers some simple ideas for hanging string lights over an outdoor seating/dining area, complete with a chiminea. She favors Feit Electric’s warm incandescent bulbs, strung on a heavy, weather-resistant cord (available on Amazon).

Thrifty Decor Chick

Create a Luminous Canopy


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (5)

Have an ample outdoor space? Brent and Courtney, the husband and wife design duo behind Gray House Studio, provide a step-by-step guide to hanging a string light canopy. The critical accessory? The right lights! To span a wide grassy lawn or deck, they suggest 100-foot globe string lights (available on Amazon).

Gray House Studio

Host an Outdoor Movie Night


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (6)

Get away from your screens and set up a movie projector instead. All you need is our genius guide for setting up an outdoor theater, and some decorative string lights to amp up the ambiance. We suggest going green with solar-powered fairy lights (available on Amazon). These pretty, warm-toned lights are engineered to withstand weather conditions and work between six to eight hours on a full charge.


Go for a Midnight Swim


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (7)

Bring romance to your everyday life with a dip after dark. If you’re lucky enough to have a pool, bistro-style overhead lighting can add beauty and functionality. Of course, any electricity near water requires caution, so read up on the risks before installing your string lights safely. One option is shatterproof and waterproof solar-powered bulbs, like these by Brightech (available on Amazon).

flickr.com viaJordan Silva

Transform Your Garden Wall


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (8)

A timber wall or perimeter fence can offer protection and privacy. It can also provide a blank canvas for illumination. All you need is a string of Edison lights, with each bulb suspended on a vertical cord, like these by Banord (available on Amazon). The effect will make your yard seem bigger, brighter, and more festive.


Hang from the Trees


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (9)

For understated illumination, string globe lights (like these vintage bulbs, available on Amazon) between tree branches. The Home Depot offers handy instructions for hanging lights from your trees. You’ll have to drill a hole for a hook, which will anchor the cords in place. Attach the ends to an extension cord, plugin, and voila! An enchanted arbor for the whole family to enjoy.


Enjoy Christmas Lights, All Year Long


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (10)

Forget tightly-wrapped branches, and add a little creative chaos to your tree lighting experience. One idea is to use icicle string lights (available on Amazon), which drip vertically down. Warm white lights look beautiful all year long, glowing through the foliage. Use multiple strings, draped organically throughout the tree branches, to make this look pop.

Related: 10 Inventive Outdoor Lighting Projects to DIY for the Holidays


Brighten the Ground


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (11)

Solar lights are ideal for yards that get a good dose of sunshine. However, instead of individual path lights, make a bright perimeter using solar string lights (available on Amazon). The benefit is greater illumination and the ability to highlight flower beds or unique features of your garden, like a teepee or fountain. Just make sure you position the bulbs and cords away from foot traffic.

Related: 10 Enchanting Landscape Lighting Solutions


Wrap Fence Posts


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (12)

Wrapping string lights is one of the simplest ways to add a little sparkle, outdoors. Play with contrasts: like a rustic wood fence wrapped with twinkling fairy lights. A great option is Anjaylia’s LED firefly string lights (available on Amazon), which come in extra-long lengths and are battery-operated, so you won’t need to worry about an extension cord.


Add Sparkle To Your Porch


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (13)

For a contemporary look, white LED string lights (available at The Home Depot) look good all year long, especially when paired with bright white railings. Worried about extra energy costs? LED technology uses a chip rather than a heat-producing filament, so you'll use a fraction of the electricity of traditional incandescent bulbs—with less heat produced too.

Hampton Bay for The Home Depot

Drape the Pergola


13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (14)

The beams of your pergola are ideal for stringing up globe lights (like these weatherproof bulbs, available on Amazon). Loosely drape the cord in long loops, from beam to beam. It’s best to space the lights evenly, but don’t worry about perfection. This look is all about casual outdoor dining and relaxing under a subtle glow.


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13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (15)

Whether you're a lawn care novice or a master gardener, everyone can use a little help around the yard. Subscribe to The Dirt newsletter for tips, recommendations, and problem-solving tools that can help you tame your great outdoors.

13 Breathtaking Ideas for Backyard String Lights (2024)


How do you make string lights look good outside? ›

Camouflage the wooden pole that holds up your string lights with a pretty potted plant. The heavy base of the planter helps keep things stable, while your flowers and greenery will add some eye candy to this set up.

How many outdoor string lights do I need? ›

String Lights

For columns or trees, measure once around and multiply that by how many times you'll wind your light around. Once you determine the total length, divide that by the length of a single strand for the quantity you'll need to purchase.

What is fairy string lights? ›

Fairy lights are short or long strings of lights that are connected by either USB, battery pack, or solar panel. LED fairy lights are usually constructed of either copper or silver wire wrapped around the lights. They can come in a variety of options including warm or cool white, single-color, or multi-color.

How to hang outdoor string lights on a fence? ›

You'll want to mark increments where you plan to hang the lights from the fence and use a durable tool like a picture frame nailer to fasten them into place. Be careful not to nail through the actual light wire. Instead, nail the fence first and use the gaps in the coated wiring to string the lights.

What to do with string lights outside? ›

Use Hanging Lights for a Patio

One of the most striking ways to use outdoor string lights is to create a “ceiling” effect above a sitting area. Overhead lighting will create a special ambience that encourages conversation and provides some separation, so guests feel like they're stepping into a living room.

How high should string lights be in backyard? ›

Generally, though, it's good to have lights 8-10' off the ground at a minimum just so there's walking clearance. If you are using larger bulbs, you may want to consider raising the height of your display further, based on personal preference.

How to string party lights in backyard? ›

How to Hang Outdoor String Lights
  1. Step 1: Measure & Prep. The first thing to do is measure for both your string lights and the cable guide wire you need for spanning across any open spaces. ...
  2. Step 2: Mount Screw Hooks. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect & Tighten Cable. ...
  4. Step 4: Attach Your String Lights. ...
  5. Step 5: Sit Back and Enjoy!

What pattern to hang string lights? ›

Zig Zag patterns are a fun choice when you want to add full coverage illumination across your space. X Patterns work especially well in wide spaces or areas that are square shaped. Square pattern is created by outlining the perimeter of your space. Scalloped Edge patterns work well along a fence or wall.

What are vintage fairy lights? ›

Fairy lamps are glass lamps which were lit using small candles.

What is the difference between fairy lights and string lights? ›

“String lights” is an umbrella term that includes any row of lights that hang on a flexible, electrical wire, including fairy lights. To put it another way: All fairy lights are string lights, but not all string lights are fairy lights. Some string lights use large, traditional bulbs.

Do fairy lights get hot? ›

Q:Do Fairy Lights generate heat? A: The benefit of LED fairy lights is that they don't get hot, of course they produce some level of heat as all light sources do, but LED's are designed to produce a minimal amount of heat and allow for that heat to easily escape.

Do outdoor string lights attract bugs? ›

It's true! Certain types of outdoor string lights can attract bugs.

How do I keep my outdoor string lights from sagging? ›

Hang the light strings from the guide wire. Use the clips on the light strings to attach the string, and zip ties in between to prevent the light string from sagging along the full length of the wire if the clips are spaced too far apart.

How do I keep bugs off my outdoor string lights? ›

1. Change the light bulb. Changing the lightbulb you use for your porch light is one of the simplest changes you can make to prevent bugs from swarming your porch. Normally bugs are attracted to light and heat, but if you use an LED light bulb, it will actually repel bugs.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.