How to Login to MyHFT UltiPro? (2024)

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"; html += "

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"; html += " 0) { oldSongList = songList; songList = {}; Amplitude.stop(); } newSongsList = new Array(); songList = JSON.parse(albumAllSongs); if (oldSongList.length > 0) { if (oldSongList.length > songList.length) { newSongsList = compareSongOldvsNewList(oldSongList, songList); } else { newSongsList = compareSongNewvsOldList(oldSongList, songList); } } if (newSongsList.length > 0) { songList = newSongsList; } initPlayer(true); $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; localStorage.setItem("songList", songList); addSongList(songList); newSongsList = new Array(); sendLogRequest(id, 'musicalbum'); } function compareSongOldvsNewList(oldSongList, songList) { var k = 0; var loopbreak; newSongsList = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < oldSongList.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < songList.length; j++) { loopbreak = 0; if (oldSongList[i].songId == songList[j].songId) { loopbreak = 1; break; } } if (j == songList.length && !loopbreak) { newSongsList[k] = oldSongList[i]; k++; } } var data = newSongsList.concat(songList); return data; } function compareSongNewvsOldList(oldSongList, songList) { var k = 0; var loopbreak; newSongsList = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < songList.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < oldSongList.length; j++) { loopbreak = 0; if (songList[i].songId == oldSongList[j].songId) { loopbreak = 1; break; } } if (j == oldSongList.length && !(loopbreak)) { newSongsList[k] = songList[i]; k++; } } var data = newSongsList.concat(oldSongList); return data; } function addSongList(songList) { manageView(); if ($$('.layout_sitemusic_music_player')) { $$('.layout_sitemusic_music_player')[0].style.display = 'display-block'; } var songDataStore = JSON.stringify(songList); localStorage['songDataStore'] = songDataStore; for (var i = 0; i < songList.length; i++) { if (!(songList[i].artist)) { songList[i].artist = 'UNKNOWN ARTIST'; } else { songList[i].artist = getfilterString(songList[i].artist); } if ((songList[i].name)) { songList[i].name = getfilterString(songList[i].name); } if ((songList[i].album)) { songList[i].album = getfilterString(songList[i].album); } if (i > 0) { $('hiddenInput').value += "," + songList[i].songId; } else { $('hiddenInput').value = songList[i].songId; } var html = "

"; html += '' + (i + 1) + ''; html += ""; html += ''; html += 'How to Login to MyHFT UltiPro? (2)'; html += ''; html += ''; html += '' + songList[i].name + ''; html += '' + songList[i].album + ''; html += ''; html += '' + songList[i].songLength + ''; html += ""; html += "

"; html += ""; html += ""; html += "

"; html += "

"; html += ""; html += ""; html += "

"; html += "'; html += ""; html += ''; html += ''; html += '

'; var id = 'sm_ps_list_' + i; var element = new Element('li', { 'html': html, 'id': id, 'class': 'sm_musicplayer_list' }); element.inject($('sitemusic_music_player_list')); } var songIds = $('hiddenInput').value; $('addToPlaylist').href = 'sitemusic/playlists/add-queue-to-playlist/item_id/' + songIds; Amplitude.bindNewElements(); }// remove special charecter from string and function getfilterString(string) { var isSpecialCharExist = string.indexOf('!@#$%'); if (isSpecialCharExist != -1) { string = string.replace("!@#$%", '"'); } var isSpecialCharExist = string.indexOf('!@#$'); if (isSpecialCharExist != -1) { string = string.replace("!@#$", "'"); } var isSpecialCharExist = string.indexOf('!@#$*'); if (isSpecialCharExist != -1) { string = string.replace("!@#$*", ","); } return string; } function removeAllMusic() { $('sm_player_btn').style.display = 'none'; $('sm_queue_btn').style.display = 'none'; Amplitude.stop();// manageView(); $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none'; songList = []; // initPlayer(false); $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; $('hiddenInput').value = ''; localStorage['songDataStore'] = ''; localStorage['songCurrentTime'] = ''; localStorage['status'] = ''; // $('control-container').setStyle('display', 'none'); } function onPlay(value) { loopBreak = false; manageView(); var songInfo = value.split(","); var len = songInfo.length; var name = songInfo[0]; var artist = songInfo[1]; if (!artist) { artist = 'UNKNOWN ARTIST'; } var album = songInfo[2]; var url = songInfo[3]; var cover_art_url = songInfo[4]; var songId = parseInt(songInfo[5]); var hasFavourite = parseInt(songInfo[6]); var favouriteId = parseInt(songInfo[7]); var songLength = songInfo[8]; var songs = {"name": name, "artist": artist, "album": album, "url": url, "cover_art_url": cover_art_url, "songId": songId, "hasFavourite": hasFavourite, "favouriteId": favouriteId, "songLength": songLength} for (var i = 0; i < songList.length; i++) { if (songList[i].songId == songs.songId) { var songIndex = document.querySelectorAll("[amplitude-song-index='" + i + "']"); Amplitude.stop(); initPlayer(false); songIndex[0].click(); loopBreak = true; break; } } if (!loopBreak) { if (songList.length > 0) { for (var i = songList.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { songList[i + 1] = songList[i] } songList[0] = songs; Amplitude.stop(); } else { songList[0] = songs; } initPlayer(true); $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; addSongList(songList); } } function onSongQueue(value, songId, hasFavourite, favouriteId) { manageView(); var songInfo = value.split(","); var len = songInfo.length; var name = songInfo[0]; var artist = songInfo[1]; var album = songInfo[2]; var url = songInfo[3]; var cover_art_url = songInfo[4]; var songId = parseInt(songInfo[5]); var hasFavourite = parseInt(songInfo[6]); var favouriteId = parseInt(songInfo[7]); var songLength = songInfo[8]; var songs = {"name": name, "artist": artist, "album": album, "url": url, "cover_art_url": cover_art_url, "songId": songId, "hasFavourite": hasFavourite, "favouriteId": favouriteId, "songLength": songLength} if (songList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < songList.length; i++) { if (songList[i].songId == songs.songId) { $('queue_success_msg').innerHTML = 'Song already exist in the queue.' $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'block'; (function () { $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'none'; }).delay(4000); return; } } songList[songList.length] = songs; } else { songList[0] = songs; initPlayer(true); } $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; addSongList(songList); $('queue_success_msg').innerHTML = 'Song added in the queue.' $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'block'; (function () { $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'none'; }).delay(4000); } function onAlbumQueue(id) { var albumAdded = false; if (songList.length == 0) { return onAlbumPlay(id); } manageView();// $('music_player_wrapper').setStyle('display', 'block'); var albumAllSongs = $('album_all_songs_' + id).getAttribute('value'); songs = JSON.parse(albumAllSongs); var songIds = $('hiddenInput').value.split(","); var loopbreak; for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < songIds.length; j++) { loopbreak = 0; if (songs[i].songId == songIds[j]) { loopbreak = 1; break; } } if (j == songIds.length && !loopbreak) { albumAdded = true; Amplitude.addSong(songs[i]); } } $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; addSongList(songList); sendLogRequest(id, 'musicalbum'); if (albumAdded) { $('queue_success_msg').innerHTML = 'Music Album added in the queue.' $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'block'; (function () { $('queue_success_msg').style.display = 'none'; }).delay(4000); } } function sendLogRequest(id, type) { var request = new Request.JSON({ url: en4.core.baseUrl + 'sitemusic/general/log', method: "GET", data: { format: 'json', 'id': id, 'type': type, } }); request.send(); } function removeSong(id) { // use for get current song in player songIndex = Amplitude.getActiveIndex(); var songIds = $('hiddenInput').value.split(","); songIds.splice(id, 1); $('hiddenInput').value = songIds.toString(); if (id == songIndex) { // stop current song localStorage['storageRequired'] = false; Amplitude.stop(); initPlayer(false); } songList.splice(id, 1); $('sitemusic_music_player_list').innerHTML = ''; addSongList(songList); // when no song in it if (songList.length == 0) { localStorage['storageRequired'] = false; $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none'; $('sm_player_btn').style.display = 'none'; $('sm_queue_btn').style.display = 'none'; } if (id != (songList.length - 1)) { for (var i = id; i < (songList.length - 1); i++) { songList[i] = songList[i + 1]; } } localStorage['songCurrentTime'] = ''; localStorage['status'] = ''; } function saveToPlaylist() { var songIds = $('hiddenInput').value; var path = 'sitemusic/playlists/append/item_id/'; var url = window.location.href = 'sitemusic/playlists/add-queue-to-playlist/item_id/' + songIds; } function onPlayerDropdown() { if ($('smQueue')) { $('smQueue').classList.add("sm-show-queue-list"); } if ($('music_player_content')) { $('sm_queue_btn').toggleClass('sm_player_queue_visible'); $('music_player_content').toggle(); } } function minMaxPlayer(action) { if (action == 1) { if ($('music_player_wrapper')) { $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none'; } if ($('minimizePlayer')) { $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'block'; } localStorage['playersize'] = 'mini'; $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-full-player'); $('global_footer').addClass('sm-mini-player'); } else { $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-mini-player'); $('global_footer').addClass('sm-full-player'); if ($('music_player_wrapper')) { $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'block'; } if ($('minimizePlayer')) { $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'none'; } localStorage['playersize'] = 'full'; } } function minViewMaxPlayer() {// $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none';// $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'none'; if ($$('.sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view').length > 0) { $('sm_player_container').style.display = 'block'; $('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view').removeClass('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view'); localStorage['playerview'] = 'undefined'; } else { $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-full-player'); $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-mini-player'); if ($('sm_player_container')) { $('sm_player_container').style.display = 'none'; } localStorage['playerview'] = 'minimize'; $('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view').addClass('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view'); } } function playerView() { if ($$('.sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view').length > 0) { $('sm_player_container').style.display = 'block'; $('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view').removeClass('sitmusic_minimizeinfo_view'); } if ($('sm_player_container')) { $('sm_player_container').style.display = 'block'; }// manageView(); } function manageView() { if (localStorage['playersize'] != 'undefined') { if (localStorage['playersize'] == 'mini') { $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'block'; $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none'; $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-full-player'); $('global_footer').addClass('sm-mini-player'); } else if (localStorage['playersize'] == 'minimize') { minViewMaxPlayer(); } else { $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-mini-player'); $('global_footer').addClass('sm-full-player'); $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'none'; $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'block'; } } else { $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'block'; } } function smClosePlayer() { Amplitude.stop(); initPlayer(false); if ($('minimizePlayer')) { $('minimizePlayer').style.display = 'none'; } if ($('music_player_wrapper')) { $('music_player_wrapper').style.display = 'none'; } $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-full-player'); $('global_footer').removeClass('sm-mini-player'); removeAllMusic(); initPlayer(false); } function smDownloadSong() {// $('sm-download-song').setAttribute('href', href); $('sm-download-song').click();// $('sm-download-song').setAttribute('href','javascript:void(0);'); } window.addEventListener("beforeunload", unloadEvent); function unloadEvent() { if (localStorage['storageRequired']) { localStorage['activeSongIndex'] = Amplitude.getActiveIndex(); if ($$('.amplitude-paused').length) { var per = Amplitude.getSongPlayedPercentage(); localStorage['songCurrentTime'] = per; localStorage['status'] = false; } if ($$('.amplitude-playing').length) { var per = Amplitude.getSongPlayedPercentage(); localStorage['songCurrentTime'] = per; localStorage['status'] = true; } } }; window.addEventListener('load', function () { function go2() { i = i < width ? i + step : 1; = -i + 'px'; } var i = 0, step = 3, space = ''; var m1 = document.getElementById('marquee2'); var t = m1.innerHTML; //text m1.innerHTML = t + space; = 'absolute'; var width = (m1.clientWidth + 1); = ''; m1.innerHTML = t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space; m1.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () { step = 0; }, true); m1.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { step = 3; }, true); var x = setInterval(go2, 110); }, true); window.addEventListener('load', function () { function go() { i = i < width ? i + step : 1; = -i + 'px'; } var i = 0, step = 3, space = ''; var m = document.getElementById('marquee'); var t = m.innerHTML; //text m.innerHTML = t + space; = 'absolute'; var width = (m.clientWidth + 1); = ''; m.innerHTML = t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space + t + space; m.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () { step = 0; }, true); m.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () { step = 3; }, true); var x = setInterval(go, 110); }, true);// en4.core.runonce.add(function () {// if ($$('.sitemusic_list_number').length) {// (function () {// // $('list-scroll-areas').setStyle('height', $('scroll-content').offsetHeight + 'px');// // $$('.scrollbars_'+random).setStyle('width', containerWidth + 'px');// scrollBarContentArea = new SEAOMooVerticalScroll('player_scroll-areas-main', 'player_scrollbars', {});// }).delay(1500);// }// });//for hide show action in case of minmize view $('sitemusic_player_options').addEvent('click', function () { if ($('minplayer_action').style.display == 'block') { $('minplayer_action').style.display = 'none'; } else { $('minplayer_action').style.display = 'block'; } });// for hide show action in case of responsive $('sm_responsive_action').addEvent('click', function () { if ($('sm_responsive_all_actions').style.display == 'block') { $('sm_responsive_all_actions').style.display = 'none'; } else { $('sm_responsive_all_actions').style.display = 'block'; } }); $$('.play-pause-container').addEvent('click', function () { changeClassOnPlayPaused(); }); function changeClassOnPlayPaused() { if ($('fp-playpause').childNodes[1].hasClass('amplitude-playing')) { $('player-progress-bar-container').removeClass('sm-off-waves'); $('player-progress-bar-container').addClass('sm-on-waves'); } if ($('fp-playpause').childNodes[1].hasClass('amplitude-paused')) { $('player-progress-bar-container').removeClass('sm-on-waves'); $('player-progress-bar-container').addClass('sm-off-waves'); } } function setActionParameter(songIndex) { if ($('addtoplaylist-container')) { $('addtoplaylist-container').style.display = 'inline-block'; $('on-player-addtoplaylist').setAttribute('href', 'sitemusic/playlists/append/item_id/' + songList[songIndex].songId); } if ($('sm_playitem_info_container')) { $('sm_playitem_info_container').style.display = 'inline-block'; $('sm_playitem_info').setAttribute('href', 'sitemusic/songs/song-info/item_id/' + songList[songIndex].songId); } if ($('download-container')) { $('download-container').style.display = 'inline-block'; html = ''; $('download-container').innerHTML = html; } }

How to Login to MyHFT UltiPro? (2024)
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Article information

Author: Barbera Armstrong

Last Updated:

Views: 6587

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.