Kingdom Hearts Re:Infinity χ - Link to All - Chapter 2 - Storyteller_Kimi03 (2024)

Chapter Text

Kingdom Hearts Re:Infinity χ - Link to All - Chapter 2 - Storyteller_Kimi03 (1)



Sinister Sundown


Saber adopted a fighting stance as Yukinari did the same. His frown was deep as looked upon the regal beauty before him and formed a bead of sweat as his body’s shaking came to a halt. He didn’t stand a chance against his first opponent ever. Any member of the Girls' Struggle Club would boast indisputable strength, however, even among them, Saber stood at the top. Yet, if he desired change and wished to conquer his fears, it was imperative that he gather all his courage at this very moment.

The same courage he found when he went to save Miharu from Yukina and the SMB’s Special Forces. A glimmer caught Saber’s eyes as she watched her opponent; narrowing them after the blink-and-miss moment. The referee girl raised her hand and said, “Ready…





Fight Saber (? ? ?)



In a blink of an eye, Saber advanced forward faster than Yukinari could either blink or react and he blocked the Struggle Captain’s attack. Dust kicked up off the dirt of P.E. fields from the clash as the blue-haired young man, pardon the pun, struggling beneath the powerful strength of his opponent. Yukinari was then pushed back by Saber, knocked to the ground as the two began their duel. He stopped momentarily as Saber watched him, regaining his balance.

Yukinari’s reflexes were quick when he parried Saber’s attack, making her eyes narrowed. Loud enough for him to hear, the Red Dragon questioned if this was his first sword fight and if they have never handled a sword before today. He tried to deny it before the word died in his throat, his narrowed eyes growing wide before his eyebrow furrowed. The sophom*ore shook his head with gritted teeth as he clashed Struggle Bats with the Red Dragon once more. With frowns on their trembling lips and bowed eyebrows, Miharu and Koyomi observed from the sidelines.

In their efforts to intervene, Kirie, Lisa, and Yukina clenched their teeth, only to be met with GSC members blocking their path using the foam-padded bats. Amidst the argument and Yukinari’s ongoing battle with Saber, a young blonde girl rushed towards them, embracing what resembled an alien seal. Two long locks adorned each side of her pixie-cut hair in the back, while massive bangs framed her wide and slightly round, dark-green eyes. She asked, “Hey, guys! What’s going on? Something fun?” This caught the attention of the two groups as the 10-year-old stared back.

A mew came from the plump miniature seal. It had the face of a cat and a pair of large bobbing antennas.

“T-Tomoka and Ebi,” said Koyomi. Despite her age, Tomoka Lana Jude was also an SMB member, as were Koyomi and Yukina. After her lackluster attempts, she was ordered to help the former select a marriage for Miharu’s elder sister.

As she approached their little circle, Tomoka turned to the others and asked, “Is that Short-stuff? Tomo didn’t know he could fight!” Eyes grew wide as the rest of the group turned their gaze towards the blue-haired boy locked in combat with Saber. Despite being on the defensive and still losing some silver orbs here and there, Yukinari was holding his own. The one f*ckuyama had called ‘Puny-nari the Class Runt’ was holding his own against the Captain of the Girls Struggle Club.

“Hey, Short-stuff! Don’t lose, okay,” cheered Tomoka.

“Nya nya nya!” Ebi added. Back to the duel, Yukinari was knocked to the ground before rolling back up to his feet. Saber wore a small smile on her face.

“You definitely have experience with this, don’t you think? Not to mention, your form is superb. That said, how is your footwork, I wonder? Should I move here…” Saber slowly circled to her right before the two Struggle bats clashed with a few strikes again. “Excellent, and now I take another step.”

Yukinari danced against her again as she struck from the left. Yukinari swiftly defended against Saber’s attack, avoiding being pushed down by the GSC Captain. With a cry of pain, he violently pushed her away from his Struggle Hammer and slashed down, cutting diagonally for her stomach, making Saber scramble back before he could get to her. Saber kept swinging at Yukinari, who narrowly avoided the first two strikes before getting surprised. She struck him hard in the chest, sending him sprawling as she unleashed a third attack.

After hitting the ground, Yukinari wasted no time rolling away, swiftly recovering and initiating his next charge against Saber. But once more, the blue-haired boy’s strike was easily stopped by the Red Dragon, who struck him from behind as he leaped towards her. Yukinari rose to one knee, his orb count at seven.




He bared his teeth and whispered, “Just one hit… that’s all I want.”




As Saber charged Yukinari, she stopped with a gasp as the Struggle Hammer chipped her, releasing a few blue orbs as she barely avoided his strike.




As the GSC Captain moved out of the way, Yukinari stumbled and fell, inadvertently gathering thirteen orbs.





Sinister Sundown end ♪


The crowd exploded, cheering Saber as the winner. As the Girls’ Struggle Club extolled her virtues, Miharu, Kirie, Lisa, Koyomi, Tomoka, and Ebi hurried to Yukinari’s side, who lay unconscious with a faint smirk on his face. While Kirie knelt beside Yukinari and held onto his shoulder, Miharu examined her fallen friend carefully. As Saber watched Yukinari from her spot, she received many shouts of congratulation and praise. Someone shouted, “Good job! You put that puny twerp in his place.” However, the club fell silent as their captain pointed her bat at the one who spoke.

“Henceforth, any form of disrespect towards Yukinari Sasaki will not be tolerated. Is that understood?” Saber commanded. “Save those insults and mockery for the fool lying over there, not this boy.” She gestured over to the unconscious f*ckuyama on the side lines, being tended to by other young women.

“B-But Saber, f*ckuyama wasn’t doing anything wrong!”

“Yeah! Puny-nari’s the one at fault here!”

Saber prompted her bat under her hands like a cane, standing like a proud and mighty king. She said, “The only thing Kazuharu f*ckuyama has going for him are his looks, wealth, and family name. Material possessions that are transient. Destined to fade over time just as all things eventually do.” Her eyes returned to Yukinari and his friends, a faint smile emerging on her lips.


Dearly Beloved -χ Back Cover Version-


“If this young man possessed a personality akin to f*ckuyama’s, he would likely be treated the same as he is currently, if not with less favor. In a single match, I learned more about this person than any of you took the time to learn in your entire lives.” Saber addressed members of her club. “I am extremely disappointed in every single one of you,” she said, turning towards the rest of the school. “And when I say, ‘all of you’, I truly mean every single person here. If you cannot see in Sasaki what seven girls can see, then your favor for f*ckuyama shows how superficial and materialistic you all are.”

Everyone remained silent after her speech. They lowered their heads or looked anywhere but Saber’s face. It was one thing for Kirie and Yukina to protect him, or Miharu and Lisa to dote on him. But for the current Queen Bee of Mizuno High School to defend ‘Puni-nari’ Sasaki and condemn the school the way they treat him. It was unthinkable, yet for Saber to show her support, the entire school seemed stunned into silence.

Yukinari had been the runt of the school since elementary, too much of a coward to even fight back! How could someone as cool and strong as Saber just defend him? To everyone except those who knew him and were in contact with him, that simply couldn’t happen. Yet, Saber herself did so; her actions proved otherwise.

“B-But Saber… he’s such a loser,” a girl snapped, stepping forward. “If he was half the man f*ckuyama was, he would act like one! But he can’t even beat that little girl in a fight and that’s why he lost to you! So, why -”

“No, he won,” said Saber, smirking. “I have exceptional hearing, so I could make out what he whispered during our duel.” Her attention shifted to the unconscious Yukinari and the shocked girls surrounding him. Despite knowing he would lose; he still confronted his fear. Ultimately, his triumph came down to scoring just one hit. While I collected the most orbs, he got the victory he wanted.

“One of the most noble achievements one can have is seizing any victory that is important to them and fully enjoying them. It’s only a loss if gaining nothing from it. Kirie Kojima, I presume?” Saber nodded at Kirie who pointed at herself. With her left eyebrow lifted higher than her right, the Buxom Bruiser had her mouth pursed and her eyebrows furrowed.

The Red Dragon held out a card in her hand before tossing it to Kirie. Saber said, “Give that to Yukinari when he wakes. If this duel has encouraged him to grow stronger, I’ll meet him at Fountain Park. I found our duel today rather impressive. However, he still has a lot to learn.” As Saber walked away, Kirie looked at the card in her hand and joined the other girls in smiling at Yukinari.


Dearly Beloved -χ Back Cover Version- end ♪


However, the GSC Captain’s smile vanished as she left, a little flat mouth and wrinkled eyebrows donned her expression.

“That said… why? Why must these weapons continue to choose children such as us?” Saber closed her eyes. “Are we not too young for this? I wish Merlin was here…” Back with the girls, Miharu smiled at Yukinari’s sleeping form, gently brushing his hair. Of course, when the duel began, it was hard to watch. But he persevered, and despite his loss, won in his heart.

“Yukinari… I’m so proud of you,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I was scared, but you were so brave, just like when you came to save me.” Her smile slowly fell. She thought, ‘You’ve grown so much… I just hope I’ll still be a special girl to Yukinari…’



Yukinari’s midnight blue eyes slowly opened somewhat as he drifted in a weird abyss, his school uniform rippling in the wind.


“I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately.”






or not?


“Like, is any of this for real or not?”


Dive into the Heart -Destati-


Plunging deeper into the abyss, Yukinari suddenly awoke and found himself on solid ground. He cast a wary glance, but the darkness revealed nothing. Stepping forward, he shielded his face as a flock of birds burst forth from a dazzling light, unveiling a green stain-glass platform emblazoned with the Lux star. Turning back and finding no one, he gazed once more at the platform, his eyes widening and his body tensing as he observed his hands. Gone were his usual loose garments, now replaced with a silver jacket, hooded and lined with blue.

A kitsune emblem fastened the collar over a black vest, complemented by black pants adorned with blue crisscross straps. Yukinari’s hand reached for a pendant to drape around his neck, the medallion shaped into a circle with a χ at its heart, resembling an ornate 𐤈. As he gazed down at the pendant, his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes following the intricate design until he blinked and gasped, looking up. A voice was present, yet it spoke without sound, tone, or volume—utter silence. However, it was as though an unseen presence was communicating with him.



So much to do,

So little time…


Take your time.

Don't be afraid.


The door is still shut.


Now step forward.

Can you do it?



Yukinari’s mouth snapped shut, his eyebrows knitting together and a bead of sweat trailing down as he paused, staring ahead. After a moment, he advanced slowly. Above him, a light cascaded down, summoning a large stone pedestal from the platform amidst a spectacle of light and magic. As he turned towards it, a red shield materialized, suspended in the air. The shield, pentagonal with its lower corners softened, featured a red trim with the rest of its surface in black, except for the striking Bear Head emblem at its core.



Power sleeps within you…


From the platform, another pedestal ascended, with a blue staff levitating over it. The staff’s handle was primarily green, topped with a blue Mouse Head.


If you give it form…


A third pedestal materialized, bearing a metal sword aloft. The sword, of standard short length, featured a black Rabbit Head emblem on its hilt and was finished with a blue grip.


It will give you strength.


Choose well.



Yukinari’s gaze darted between the three weapons laid out before him. The choice between the Dream Sword, the Shield, or the Rod. Gradually, his eyes landed on the shield, his fingers pulsating to its rhythm. Black boots treaded slowly forward, leading their wearer to the pedestal. With a swift jump, he delicately snatched the shield and glanced upward at the light, hearing the voice again.



The power of the guardian.

Kindness to aid friends.

A shield to repel all.


Is this the power you seek?



Midnight blue eyes scanned the red outlines of the shield, with Yukinari’s fingers tracing the same path. From his childhood, guardians and heroes were synonymous to him, epitomizing the pinnacle of goodness and protection for all. He held these people in high regard and admired them. At one point, he dreamt of becoming a guardian, a hero. Some of him still clung to that longing. However, he was just ‘Puny-nari’ Sasaki - too afraid to even defend himself. Was there any chance for him to reach the level of greatness displayed by those who put their lives on the line for others?

His hold on the shield tightened, his gaze intensifying. Guardians healed the broken, fortified the weak, and unflinchingly eradicated evil. It was perhaps time for Yukinari to become what he wanted by strengthening himself. The young sophom*ore said yes to the void around him, and the shield vanished from his hands without a trace.



Your path is set.


As the voice echoed, Yukinari turned to confront the remaining two weapons.


Now, what will you

give up in exchange?



Faced with another tough decision, Yukinari gazed at the sword, an emblem of knighthood and chivalry. It represented power, strength, and bravery. Yet, the sword remains indifferent to the pain it causes, unlike Yukinari.

Conversely, because of its frequent association with magic, the staff was wise. Wisdom incarnated. Regrettably, he delved into mythology. Reading tales of gods who embodied so-called ‘wisdom’ and ‘magical wonder,’ yet showed no regard for those they doomed in their quest for knowledge.

Yukinari closed his eyes, his right hand rising to his chest, forming a fist over his heart. He paused for a moment before reopening his eyes and approaching the Dream Rod. True, he wasn’t a straight-A student, but his average grades didn’t need additional knowledge. Should the need arise, he was prepared to learn through experience. Grasping the staff, he held the Dream Rod with both hands as the voice echoed once more.



The power of the mystic.

Inner strength.

A staff of wonder and ruin.


You give up this power?



Gazing into the abyss, Yukinari inhaled deeply and uttered, “Yes.” The Dream Rod disappeared, leaving no sign of its existence.



You’ve chosen the power of the guardian.


You’ve given up the power of the mystic.


Is this the form you choose?



He said yes, and the three pedestals abruptly sunk into the floor, propelling Yukinari backward onto the platform. The ground shook, and as he surveyed his surroundings, its edges broke away, and it fragmented beneath him.



Yukinari plunged into the abyss and alighted upon another platform, where the stained-glass bore hues of pale indigo. As the Shield materialized in his grasp, the Voice pierced the hum of the void.



You’ve gained

the power to fight.



He looked at the Dream Shield for a moment before slashing at the air. Silent applause rang through the air.



All right! You've got it.


Use this power to protect

yourself and others.



Fragments of Sorrow


Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, something rose from the ground. Yukinari came across a creature with a humanoid shape, sporting a round, spherical head and contorted antennae. The shadowy figure possessed three clawed fingers on each hand and eyes that glowed a piercing yellow. Yukinari recoiled at the sight of its cold, lifeless eyes. His face twisted into a frown, eyebrows arching upwards.

His complexion faded to a ghostly pale blue, as if the color had been leached from his skin. It was as though he gazed into the abyss, and indeed, the abyss gazed back at him.



There will be times

you have to fight.


Keep your light burning strong.



As more Shadows emerged, Yukinari’s grip on the Dream Shield tightened. A shadow lunged forward, but the blue-haired youth deftly blocked with his shield. Emitting a fierce battle cry, he charged, striking the shadow repeatedly until it collapsed. The remaining shadows retreated into the ground, leaving Yukinari scanning his surroundings. Unnoticed, one shadow crept up behind him.



Behind you!



Yukinari spun around just as the shadow lunged. It sent him reeling backward, a sharp pain piercing his heart. Though unharmed physically, he felt as if his heart was being torn from his chest. With a fierce glare at the monsters, he rushed toward the nearest shadow, swiftly defeating it with his Keyblade before it could strike. He parried the assaults from the subsequent two adversaries, then thrust one into the ground with his Shield.

Advancing to his next foe, he toppled it with a shield swipe, catapulting it skyward by driving the Dream Shield into its abdomen, and then incapacitated it with an upward leap to drive it back to the earth. Yukinari evaded an onslaught from another shadow, then lunged at the fifth enemy, pulverizing it into oblivion.


Dive into the Heart -Destati-


Suddenly, darkness flooded from the platform’s heart, drawing him into its depths.



Yukinari swept the darkness aside and awoke on a platform, now graced with rose quartz. He noticed a door at the platform’s edge and approached to examine it. Placing his thumb and index finger on his chin, he furrowed his brows in contemplation as he gazed downward. He said, “I can’t open it…” Amidst a dazzling display of light, a treasure chest materialized behind him.

His eyes narrowed as he approached and opened it. The cautious frown on his face melted into a deadpan expression upon seeing the empty box. Having an RPG mimic would have been preferable. As he turned around, his gaze fell upon a large crate, and a wide smile crept across his face.

“Ah, just what I needed to vent my frustrations,” Yukinari exclaimed. He dashed to the hefty wooden box and shoved it against the door, then smashed it. His malicious grin faded when he saw the door’s frame become rigid. Suddenly, as if by magic, a barrel materialized behind him. He shot a glance between the barrel and the door, and his smirk swiftly returned.

Yukinari charged at the barrel and shattered it, causing the door to solidify upon its destruction. He then returned to the door, opened it, and was greeted by a flood of light as he passed through, squinting against the brightness.



As the light settled, Yukinari entered a vast plaza, dominated by a fountain and watched over by a distant, imposing clock tower. The early sunlight glimmered on the tranquil waters as he paused at the edge of the fountain, contemplating his reflection. With the wind gently swaying, he took in the ancient buildings surrounding him before asking, “Where am I now?” At that moment, Voice called him again.



Hold on.

The door won’t open just yet.


First, tell me more

about yourself.



Yukinari continued to survey his surroundings until he spun around, alarmed by the sudden emergence of a young man of similar age. The stranger boasted tan skin, crimson eyes, and ebony hair split down the center, marked by a distinct lock protruding above his brow. He wore a white V-neck shirt paired with a crimson leather bomber jacket, which featured a fur-lined collar. Crisscrossing his torso were two black belts, converging at a silver komainu-shaped badge. Affixed to his jacket was a pin emblazoned with an ‘I’—the Roman numeral for ‘one’.

“U-Um, excuse me…” Yukinari said hesitantly.

The boy gave him a smile and inquired, “What are you so afraid of?” Yukinari’s eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open before twisting into a frown as he averted his gaze, a solitary bead of sweat on his forehead. Initially, one might assume girls were the cause, given his gynophobia. Yet, his timidity predated his allergy. At six-years-old, school was canceled, and he found himself alone at home.

Suddenly, the house shook, swayed, and trembled. The lights flickered off; objects tumbled and shattered. The ceiling gave way, crashing onto the table where he had taken cover. It resembled a living nightmare, and amid his tears, he yearned for the comfort of his parents’ arms while awaiting rescue. That disaster was the most terrifying experience Yukinari had ever faced, leaving him feeling utterly weak and helpless. Yukinari was just a child when the earthquake struck, making it difficult for him to discuss the event.

In self-defense, he became reclusive and avoided social interactions. This made connecting with others challenging, bordering on impossible. Unfortunately, this shy and isolated nature made him an easy target for bullies. Strangely, it was the girls who, for reasons yet to be understood, seemed to intensify his distress insensitively. Eventually, he befriended Kirie, who protected him when everyone else bullied him.

She could be quite a pain (literally), true, but she remained his sole friend and never intended to cause him harm. However, despite all their issues, Yukinari admired Kirie for her remarkable qualities! Her strength, confidence, and even her charisma was all far superior to him as he himself had none. Returning to the present, Yukinari clenched his right hand into a fist as he gazed at the boy in front of him.

“I’m afraid… of being weak,” he answered. “That I will always be weak and that I will lose something that’s important. Like when Miss Hijiri kidnapped Miharu… When I was trapped back then.”

As Yukinari hugged himself, the other boy placed his hands behind his head and asked, “Being weak? Is that really so scary?” The boy’s image dissipated, and the fellow blue-haired youth, dismissing it, headed westward from Fountain Square, meandering through the town’s streets. Arriving at a Boardwalk by the sea, he met another teenage boy with ash-brown hair and noticeable bangs.

The hair outlined his blue eyes, which were shielded by round, rimless glasses. He was dressed in a blue long coat, complemented by a light blue scarf and a black waistcoat. This boy had crossed on the rail of the Boardwalk, leaning forward as he stared out to the sea. Yukinari looked closer at the boy.

“H-Hello,” he said.

“What's most important to you?” Oh, wonderful! More questions to consider. This individual didn’t even take the time to look at the person he was speaking to, which was quite rude. Still, Yukinari crossed his arms and closed his eyes, tilting his head downward as a bead of sweat formed. Truly, without Miharu, there would be no answer.

Yukinari’s greatest fear stemmed from girls, his usual tormentors, yet he was genuinely anxious around everyone. People inflicted pain on Yukinari, but it was his solitude that caused him the deepest suffering. However, Miharu showed him that if he mustered the courage to reach out, he might just touch peoples’ hearts.

“I once believed myself to be weak-hearted, but my friends proved otherwise. They showed me that even if my heart isn’t strong, it is never alone.” Yukinari gave a small smile as he looked at the boy who finally turned to him. “With each new experience, my heart has expanded and found a place among the friends I’ve made. Miharu taught me that by extending a hand in bravery, I can connect with the hearts of others. My friends are what’s most important to me!”

The boys exchanged glances for a few beats before the brunette let out a soft chuckle, his smile tinged with melancholy.

“Is friendship such a big deal?” the boy inquired of Yukinari. As he straightened himself, he disappeared, just like the first boy. Yukinari’s smile gradually faded as he turned his gaze downward, his brows furrowing into a slight frown.

He asked himself, “What is going on?” Ahead, he saw a Waterfront Park built around a lighthouse that overlooked the horizon. The park’s lower level expanded into a wider space at the foot of the lighthouse, where the blue-haired teenager noticed someone sitting on a bench. He sprinted into the park after crossing the bridge and approached the stranger. A young woman, likely around twenty-five, with radiant red hair neatly tied back in a ponytail, allowing a few strands to frame her face.

She was attired in hakama paired with a gold long-sleeved shirt, adorned with white cross-straps and cuffs. A ribbon, showcasing an eastern dragon shaped like the infinity symbol, encircled her waist. Black boots and a vivid blue coat with a hood and gold trim completed her ensemble. Her bespectacled hazel-brown eyes, dull as a dead fish, were fixed on the perpetual sunrise at the horizon.

The woman turned her head as Yukinari walked up behind her.

“What do you want out of life?” she inquired, turning her head to glimpse Yukinari, who had stopped a few feet away. His midnight blue eyes met the gaze of the red-haired woman, his expression unreadable, mouth set in a straight line. He looked at his hands, following the lines and contours with his eyes. What did he want? For a long time, he only wanted to conquer his gynophobia.

Though it was a brief victory, he somewhat succeeded. Even with his allergy persisting, his fear of girls diminished. Yukinari could now engage in normal conversations with strangers, thanks to practice. But what comes next? Having attained his goal, what new aspirations did he harbor?

“I suppose… I’d like to broaden my horizons,” he reflected. “Looking back, it’s amusing how oblivious I was. Isolating myself from the world, I knew so little about anything or anyone. But now, I believe it’s time to open my heart completely and discover what lies beyond. And whatever knowledge I lack, my friends and I can learn together.” He offered a smile to the woman before him.

“To broaden your horizons, huh?” The red-haired woman smiled before returning to sunrise.



You want friendship.

You want to broaden your horizons.

You’re afraid of being weak.


Your adventure begins at midday.

Keep a steady pace and

you’ll come through fine.



Yukinari raised one of his eyebrows as his frown skewed, scrunching his cheeks. He said, “U-Um… Okay, sounds good, I guess.”



The day they will open the door is

both far off and very near.



As Yukinari looked toward sunrise, a magnificent beam of light surrounded everything.



Fragments of Sorrow



The Boy Blue found himself unexpectedly on a platform crafted from dark stained-glass. As he traversed this platform, Shadows abruptly ambushed him. After a gasp, Yukinari straightened himself out and took a deep breath. As three Shadows lunged forward and attacked with jumps, he raised the Dream Shield and prepared for battle. He evaded the initial one and obstructed the following, causing him to glide a respectful amount.

With precision, Yukinari landed on his feet and effortlessly dispatched the next Shadow. The Boy Blue leaped up, quickly vanquishing a second and then a third. He plunged into the circle of Shadows, rapidly overcoming eight before focusing on the ninth. Two more figures advanced to confront the shield-bearing teenager. Despite attacks from various directions, he defeated another adversary in front of him, another to his left, and two more closing in from behind.

After the last one vanished, Boy Blue spun around and received a surprise blow to the face, sending him reeling backward. He looked up just in time to duck as a Shadow, seizing every opportunity, repeatedly flattened itself into a silhouette on the ground. Yukinari moved swiftly, galloping from one spot to another, skillfully evading attacks. He then propelled himself into the air and struck the final Shadow with the Dream Shield, making the stained-glass ripple from the shield’s recoil. A brilliant green circle of power radiated from the spot where a beam of light shone down.

As Yukinari stood on the green circle, his wounds and bruises healed. Stairs made of stained-glass appeared, with beams of light extending to the platform’s edge. The Boy Blue raced up the stairs to a new platform of red-stained glass. This one differed from the rest - instead of the Lux symbol, it depicted Yukinari asleep, clad in his present clothes. The smaller circles around his head also displayed Miharu, Kirie, Lisa, Koyomi, and Yukina.



The closer you get to the light,

the greater your shadow becomes.



As Yukinari turned, he saw his shadow stirring as well. The shadow raised itself off the ground with its arms, prompting the Boy Blue to retreat.



But don't be afraid.



And don’t forget…



The shadow’s head stretched and divided into nine segments as the creature’s hues shifted, dark yet dynamic. Yukinari’s eyes widened as he dashed to the platform’s brink, teetering on the edge. He whirled around to confront a dark, vibrant entity embodying a fearsome, yet stunning, nine-tailed kitsune. Adorned with orange, this Nightmare’s form - this Nogitsune - was predominantly electric blue gray. Its tails transitioned from dark blue to pink at the tips. The creature’s paws were pink, and violet spikes with cyan outlines adorned its legs and tail segments.

It had a gray-blue visage with a cyan snout and an electric blue lower jaw. An emblem on its chest, shaped like a heart, featured a deep navy hue that transitioned into neon purple, complete with wings resembling those of a bat. Rising to its full, towering height, it gazed down at Yukinari with eerie, glowing red eyes. A shield materialized in his hand, and he faced his only option. The Nogitsune spun, whipping up gusts of wind and hurling them at Yukinari, who was pushed back by the force.

Hugging the platform’s edge, the creature lunged at Yukinari, who narrowly avoided the attack. Boy Blue retaliated by rushing the beast, which unleashed a barrage of dark flame. The young shielder deftly curled into a ball and rolled away from danger. Clutching the Dream Shield, he soared through the air and struck the Nightmare from behind, shattering the ground beneath it. He recoiled, eyes wide in awe of his own feat, then composed himself, preparing for the next round of combat.

The Nogitsune rose, its head lowered. In an instant, its eyes gleamed crimson. A fierce wind erupted from the being, hurling its adversary backward. The Nogitsune lifted its head, emitting a thunderous roar. Columns of dark flame erupted from the earth, aiming for Yukinari, who just barely evaded them at the last moment.

After that attack was finished, Yukinari ran towards the Nogitsune as it fanned out its tails, summoning fireballs between them to launch at its adversary, who leapt over the attack. Yukinari slid across the glass before he aimed his shield at the Nightmare. The Dream Shield flew into the malevolent fox’s face, making it flinch violently and shake its head from side to side. It growled at Yukinari as he surged forward, parrying a blow from the left paw and swiftly counterattacking, sending it reeling. The Nightmare launched another assault, but Yukinari deflected the right paw and vaulted over the beast to strike the same paw, repelling it and revealing the creature’s visage.

The Boy Blue exploited the breach, charging at the Nogitsune as it attempted to lash out with its tails. He narrowly dodged and sprang onto one tail, wielding the Dream Shield to pummel the tail, significantly impairing it. Yukinari advanced once more, swinging the Dream Shield, but the Nightmare shielded itself with its tails, then repelled Yukinari with a burst of dark fox fire. When it exposed itself again, the high school sophom*ore seized the opportunity to hurl the Dream Shield directly at its face, causing the Nogitsune to flail and spin, propelling him through the air.

Yukinari rose and hurled the Dream Shield towards his adversary’s face. The shield struck true, sending the foe reeling backwards.


Dive into the Heart -Destati-


However, the moment Yukinari grasped the shield again, it vanished. Suddenly unarmed and taken aback, he narrowly dodged the Nogitsune’s claws as they crashed into the earth. Overwhelmed by a sense of defeat, Yukinari felt darkness close in around him, dragging him under.



— But don't be afraid.



Darkness enveloped his legs.



You are one of the mightiest warriors of all.



He attempted to swim away as the darkness tightened its grip on him. His outstretched hand disappeared into the black abyss.



So don't forget…



Yukinari laid on his back, the darkness weaving its last strands around his fear-stricken eyes.




You must teach them to open the door.





Dive into the Heart -Destati-



Yukinari’s Room
Mizuno Town


Jolted awake, Yukinari sat up in his bed, taking in the morning view of his room. He grumbled about having another odd dream before sliding the patio door open to gaze upon the suburban streets. In a whisper, he questioned, “But—did I really dream up that place? It seemed so tangible… so peculiar…” Following a brief pause, a soft sigh escaped him, only to be cut off by a clicking noise that seized his attention.


Lazy Afternoons


Upon turning around, the high school sophom*ore noticed a distinct pink-haired alien girl standing in the doorway. Tears streamed down Miharu’s face, yet a smile graced her lips as she lunged into Yukinari’s arms for a tight, heartfelt embrace.

“Yukinari, you’re awake! I’m so relieved you’re safe,” Miharu sobbed. “I was so concerned! How do you feel? We were all so worried!” The boy reciprocated her hug.

“I’m fine now, really. There’s no need for worry. I actually feel great,” he said with a light chuckle. While Miharu’s tears of joy continued, the rest of their friends arrived, eager to welcome him back. Smiling widely, Tomoka and Ebi darted towards him and embraced Yukinari tightly, like a little sister would treat her big brother. Lisa’s glomping speed was incomparable to anyone else, leaving everyone in awe. Yukina hesitated in the doorway with Koyomi before finally rushing to give him a hug.

With tears in her eyes, Koyomi smiled affectionately as she watched from the door, then shifted her gaze to Kirie, who was concealed in the hallway. Yukinari laughed and said in jest, “Come on, everyone! I assure you; everything is fine! I’m sorry for making you worry. Geez... challenging Saber wasn’t the smartest decision I’ve made, was it?”

Tomoka swung Ebi by her tail, cheering, “So you lost the fight! What of it, Short-stuff? You were still incredibly awesome out there! Why didn’t you ever tell us you could fight like that?” Yukinari’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared back at her.

“I… didn’t even know myself. Part of me wants to say I’ve never fought before,” he said, his hand pressing against his heart. “But that doesn’t feel true. Fighting Saber… it felt natural, familiar, like recalling something I’d forgotten.” Yukinari rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly while the older girls exchanged knowing glances before turning their attention back to their blue-haired friend.

“Do you think it’s related to the dreams you’ve been having lately, Yukinari?” inquired Miharu.

Koyomi interjected, “And the book you found yesterday?” Tomoka gave Koyomi a look, her head tilted, one eyebrow raised higher than the other in a level, indifferent frown. Yukinari inhaled sharply as he approached his book bag and retrieved it. The Liber Future Praeteritum - Book χ


Lazy Afternoons end ♪


“Tarot card χ [Chi]. Yukinari Sasaki. The Kitsune of Heart…” Yukinari whispered. The girls all stared at him, eyebrows raised in surprise, as he let the book fall and grasped his head, groaning with gritted teeth. His body shook as he fought for control, and the girls quickly gathered to console their friend. They touched his shoulders gently, tracing comforting circles, attempting to soothe his distress. Yukinari inhaled deeply several times, managing at last to steady himself.

He opened his eyes and surveyed the room. The faces of his friends met his gaze, and he nodded, acknowledging their concern. After a pause, he said, “Thank you, everyone. I apologize for the worry I’ve caused.”

Lisa flung herself into Yukinari’s arms, yeeting Yukina tumbling to the ground. She declared, “Oh, my dear Yukinari! No apologies necessary! As your soulmate, I’m always here to protect you!” Yukinari gave a nervous chuckle as Yukina got back on her feet and yanked Lisa away from him, grabbing the Black Mage by her collar.

“Hey, witch! You can’t just treat me like trash to be discarded! I was here first!” Yukina shouted. Everyone had a friendly laugh while Yukina and Lisa argued.

“Hey Miharu, thank you.” Yukinari looked at Miharu, smiling at her. “For everything.”

Miharu’s cheeks tinted with a soft blush as she responded, “No need for thanks, Yukinari. It’s all been worth it!” The boy let out another chuckle and turned to greet his friends, only to catch sight of a buxom brunette shyly peeking through the doorway. Kirie attempted to conceal herself, but Yukinari had already noticed her, offering a gentle smile in return.

“Hey, would you mind if I have a word with Kirie for a moment, please? It’s important,” Yukinari inquired. While Koyomi, Lisa, and Yukina looked at each other, Miharu smiled warmly.

“Alright, we’ll leave you two to chat,” Miharu said, turning to the other girls. “Come on, let’s give them some space, okay?”

The girls nodded, waving goodbye and wishing the boys a good morning as they left. Once they were gone, Kirie entered the room timidly, with Miharu pausing beside her. The pink-haired girl faced Kirie and spoke with reassurance, “Kirie, there’s nothing to worry about. Yukinari is your friend, and that won’t change.” With those words, Miharu exited the room, and Kirie inhaled deeply, gradually making her way to sit next to her childhood friend on his bed.

The two old friends sat quietly for a while before Kirie produced the Crowned Card.

“Saber told me to hand this to you,” Kirie spoke as she offered Yukinari the card. “She mentioned that if the battle has motivated you to become stronger, then you should seek her out at Fountain Park.” The blue-haired teenager took the card quietly, his fingers grazing its smooth surface as he studied it.

Kirie’s expression turned into a frown as she glanced at her hands, whispering, “I’m sorry… this was all my fault…” Her hand balled into a fist as she fought to restrain the tears that were on the brink of escaping. Then a soft touch grazed her hand. She looked up to find Yukinari offering a tender smile.


Treasured Memories


“It’s okay, Kirie. I don’t hold it against you. You might be temperamental, but your heart is always in the right place,” he reassured her. “Besides, I am thankful that you’re always there for me…” As Kirie’s face contorted into a puzzled frown, Yukinari continued, “It’s true, you’ve always protected me when others caused me pain.

“I should’ve told you this sooner, but I’ve always admired you, Kirie. Yes, you can be troublesome, but you’ve also been my inspiration. Anyone might comment on your beauty, but you embody so much more. You’re tenacious, courageous, and above all, relentless in your pursuits! And that’s why…” His cheeks turned a shade of crimson as he confessed, “… you’re my hero, Kirie!”


Treasured Memories end ♪


Feeling flattered, her face radiated warmth as she absentmindedly played with her hair. Yukinari blushed with a frown as he stuttered, “Ah, well, um…! I didn’t mean for that to sound weird or anything! I just meant that you’re beautiful and a-” Abruptly, Kirie clasped his head with both hands and sealed his words with a prolonged kiss.


Musique pour la tristesse de Xion


After hesitating briefly, he tenderly drew her close and reciprocated the kiss. She drew back, breaking the kiss, her brown eyes, feline in their intensity, locked onto the deep sapphire of his, with one hand resting on his cheek and the other pressed against his chest.

“Yukinari… I love you,” she confessed, catching him off guard with her words. “Remember all the good things I said about you last year in the classroom? I truly meant every word.” She turned pink with a small smile. “You have many wonderful qualities, such as being kind and funny. It’s great to see that you’ve gained more self-confidence, Yukinari! You treat people well and never give up. I did…”

If Yukinari understood, it wasn’t apparent, as he simply gazed at Kirie with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Kirie let out a soft chuckle, her eyes sparkling above a slight smile as she observed him.

“When Miharu came into our lives, you seemed happy because she didn’t trigger your allergies,” Kirie said. “But I struggled with expressing my emotions correctly and ended up hurting you because of my embarrassment and anger. I understand you well, it’s like I am reading my mind. Besides Miharu, I’ve never met someone as kind as you. So when I saw how your eyes lit up when you saw Miharu and how sad you were when she was gone… I stepped aside.

“I’m proud of you for having more faith in yourself. However, I’m not as strong-willed as you believe, Yukinari,” she said, pausing as tears gathered in her eyes. After a moment, she composed herself. “But that changes now.” Assuming a confident stance with her fists clenched at her sides, she offered Yukinari a determined smile and proclaimed, “I want to become a better person, someone worthy of you. I know what I need to do, and I will not give up.”

Yukinari and Kirie locked eyes. Yukinari inhaled sharply, his eyes wide and shimmering. Kirie let out a gasp, her cheeks flushing deeply as she stepped back.

“Uh… okay! I’m glad to see you’re alright! Bye forever.” She left the room, whispering to herself, “Why did I do that? Why did I say that? Why’d I promise that?” Yukinari paused on his bed, then stretched his arms and buried his flushed face in his hands, his eyes swirling.


Musique pour la tristesse de Xionend ♪


Kirie was in love with him!? Since when!? It was a widely held belief that girls, similar to boys, often tease the people they have affections for, but the validity of this notion was always questionable. Yukinari and Miharu clearly felt an attraction to each other, while Lisa embodied the ‘mad’ in ‘madly in love’. There was also Yukinari’s recent Prince-Charming moment with Yukina. However, if Kirie had harbored feelings for him all this time, then the blue-haired sophom*ore was truly clueless about love.

It only made matters complicated further. Yukinari genuinely liked Miharu—she was shorter than him, incredibly kind to him, and most importantly, her touch never triggered his allergy to women. However, could he truly claim that what he felt was equivalent to Kirie’s confession? She had used the ‘L’ word - that significant ‘L’ word. Despite their tumultuous history, it was Kirie who had been by his side from the start.

In retrospect, Yukinari marrying Kirie seemed like the most probable outcome, as she was the only girl who could tolerate his presence if he never met Miharu. Yet, there was also Lisa, who was convinced that they were fated soulmates, as foretold by a horoscope. Despite her madness, Yukinari would be dishonest if he claimed he never considered embracing Lisa’s concept of destiny occasionally. Although her beauty was apparent, it was her intelligence that truly redeemed her in Yukinari’s eyes. Her early mastery of magic was a testament to her considerable intellect.

She was as remarkable as Miharu, Kirie, and Yukina in her own way, albeit obsessive. Regarding Yukina, it’s true that his initial opinion of her was low, especially after she kidnapped Miharu. They were very similar, almost like Yukinari’s female version. The girl craved love and intimacy just like Yukinari. But was empathy enough to feel fondness or love?

Frustrated, Yukinari groaned and exclaimed, “Why are girls so complicated!” He pounded his fist on the bed in frustration, but instead of hitting something soft, he struck the book. His eyes widened, followed by a head shake. Yes, he had more pressing matters to attend to than his life eerily resembling a harem anime. With determination, Yukinari picked up the book and started reading.


It Began with a Letter


To my future, or perhaps you are my past,

I present this book to reveal the truth. The truth about everything - your past and your present; who you truly are and were; the world as you know it now and as it was known before. Long ago, all worlds were united as one. By the time you read these words, this era will be known as the age of fairy tales, a time when the world was bathed in light.

It’s a realm made up of countless smaller worlds, all interlinked, extending as far as one can see. A singular, glorious light safeguarded us across this expansive territory. All worlds shared this one light, one destiny. It is here when your tale unfolded, the story of how Master Renais selected you, Yukinari Sasaki, to become…


It Began with a Letter end ♪


“… a Lightborn?” Yukinari whispered.



Another Side


“Huh? Wh-Who are you?” Yukinari looked up to see a figure in a black leather coat that reached his ankles, with a large hood hiding his face. The blue-haired teenager trembled slightly at the sight of the intruder who had a similar voice. Yet, it was altered in a way—hollow and devoid of life. The words he spoke reflected the tone precisely, truthfully.

He paused in the doorway, declaring, “I am what remains. Perhaps we are all that ever existed. My name holds no significance. What about you? Can you recall your true essence?” A solitary bead of sweat appeared on Yukinari’s forehead as he observed the figure, frowning under his raised eyebrows.

“Please, whoever you are, stop scaring me like this. Understand?” Yukinari suddenly realized something he hadn’t noticed before. There was a complete stranger, not just in his room, but in his house. “A-Actually, wh-where did you come from? How did you get into my house!?”

“The ‘how’ is never as crucial as the ‘why’,” responded the Black Coat.

“Okay… then why are you in my house?” Yukinari inquired. The instant he blinked, Yukinari recoiled as the figure in the stranger materialized directly before him.

“I came to visit you, of course,” Black Coat said. He turned and strolled to the patio. “Primarily… Then again, I’ve also come to see the door to this world. This world has been connected.” Yukinari observed a symbol on the intruder’s back resembling an inverted tribal heart, split jaggedly down the middle. With furrowed brows and lips slightly parted, he scrutinized the stranger in silence for a moment.

His eyes widened as he inquired, “What do you mean by ‘the door to this world’? Is it another portal, or…?”

“No. While this world is indeed connected by ways of water,” the Black Coat replied, turning to face the blue-haired youth, “it has also been bound to the darkness… and will soon be wholly eclipsed.” Once more, Yukinari’s eyes widened, and he trembled, moving away from the intruder, until he collided with the wall by his bed.

“Wh-What are you talking about?” asked Yukinari.

“Vexation… To have learned so very much, only to lose that knowledge and understand so little,” the Black Coat mocked. The blue-haired sophom*ore stopped shaking and moved back to the edge of the bed, his glare looking more like a pout on his baby face.

“So what if I have forgotten something? If that’s the case,” he snapped, “I’ll have to relearn everything I forgot, won’t I? Just watch! I won’t let my fears hold me back anymore, so I’m going to get out and learn what’s out there!” In a moment of darkness, the intruder appeared before Yukinari and lifted him from his bed. The blue-haired teenager felt compelled to stand and face them.

They were of equal height, and as Yukinari locked eyes with them, he trembled. Their piercing yellow gaze felt like staring into an abyss that demanded his complete attention.

“Without meaning… Those who lack knowledge cannot comprehend anything.” Releasing the trembling Yukinari’s arm, he stepped back. The Mizuno sophom*ore’s forehead turned a pale blue, widening in shock as the Black Coat disappeared amidst an explosive display of Darkness - a word that demanded capitalization. With his last words, he said to Yukinari, “You don’t even recall what lies beyond the door.”


Another Side end ♪


The L̷̨̡̞̯̱͈̩͙͍̯̳̞̖̖̫̹̤͖͕͕̘̊͋̃̍̂̂̌̿͂̽̇͗̓̋̑̄͂̅̈́̒́͒͋̈͑́͒͌̑̽̐̀̂͜͝͝͝͠ḭ̶̩͖̳̻͖͖̩͔̫̝̘͓̹̓͆̐̓͂̃͛̔̃̽̂̈́͑̍͐͘͜͠͝͝ģ̷̨͉̣͍̙̜̩̯͚̥̻̻̱͉̭̰͇̮̲̉͋̆̈́͛͐͐̀̆̈͘͘͠h̶̡̞̳̟̯̩̻͚͚̦̻̹͔͉̥̀̿͐̍̓̐̈́̀̊́̇͒͊̐́̉̌̑̂̓̒̄͗̍̆̉̕͘̚̚͝͝͝͝t̴̨̢̤̺͉͚̭̥̞̫̹̒͗b̶̧̡̨̛͙̘̫̫̳̭͉͎̬͇͕̯͚͕͚͎͚̭̰͍͕͍̮̭͇̙̐̏́͑̀̀̿̔̅̐̓͒͊̂̍̓͐̀̂͗͂͐͛̅̋̀͆͒̌͂̈́͜͠͝͝ơ̴̡̨̧̢͔͍̳͉̼̹̫̜̯̣̖̯̥͚̜͍̣̤̠̘̦̲͕̤̝͎̝̤̫̯͆̾̒̑̑͆̉̓̔͆̋̐̈́̋͆̽͗̈́̐̎͐̿̃̆̀̍͒̀̓̅̑̍͒̕͝r̶̢̧̨͙̦̣͍̻͇̖͔͕͉̲̣͇͇͙̯̲̤͓͙̭͎̻͙̎̇̀̓̂̄̓̏̍̑̿͒̋͗͑̃͜͝͝͠n̸̛͍̗̻̘̙̯̺̎̐̆̀̐̀̈́͊͋̿̓̕͠͝’̶̡̨̢̡͙͇͉̥̠͙͇͚̰̹͈̙̠̲̺̺̹̮̫̤̟̣̤̬͇̼͉̟̟̲̔̌̔̓̃̈́͑̌̏̈́͋̉̐̆̋̋͒̅̀̔͌̉̎́̈́͑͂̍̑̚̕̚͜ṡ̸̨̬̩̮͔͙͌̈́͋̃̀̓͝ eyes stayed wide open as he gazed at the place where Ķ̶̛̝̻͍̪͚̦̳̇̀͆͊͗̉̅͐̌̑̈́́͊̈́̔̾͒́̇̈̐̊̆͘͝͝u̴̧̧̡̡̨͙̤͇̻̖̝̭̱̮͖̩̝̲̤̙͔̻̤̳̲̲͉̜̗̼̭̮̺͊̀́̓͌́͐̌̈́̐̒̿̂̉̆̅̀̆̃̈͆̿͌̅̚͜͝͠ŗ̶̧̡͎̪͈̦̖̯̟͖͚̗̬̖̫̬̩̦̫͙̹̻̯̩̜̬̻̟̥̥̩͎̥͉̪̝͙̺̣̗̜͈͇͚͈͒̅̽̀̐̅͜ͅŏ̷̧̢̢͍̥͎̬̯̫͇̗̲͓̟̖̣̳̰̘̱̮̳̱̩̣̞̩̣̟̮̗͓̬̟̙̤͎̦̟́́̔͑̀̓̀̆̍̔̾͋̾̒̔̿̓̋̃̄̿͂̆̓̒̐͌͊͗̊̔͒̄̌̓̈́̕̚͘̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͠ͅͅÿ̷̧̡̛̙͕̠͕̗͈͙̣̳͉̠̖̰̲̠̯͖̠̬̖̠̘̝̮̯̻͉͇̼͖͙͚͙̥̯̺̭͇̥̜̣̭͍́̑̉̎̆̇͋̐͘͜͜͠ư̶̡̡̛͕̳̦̰͍̹̱͇̦̝̬͔͙̖͈̬̩̣͖͔̲̫̩̰̳͕̦̩̫̙͍̻̥͖̐͌̈́̄͊̈́̆̈́͌̏̓̀̒̈́͑̌̓̄͌͋̓̈́̀̿́͗̽̇̆͒̇̑̀͘͠͝͠͝ͅk̵̡̡̨̧̮̜̪̼͙̯͉̩͇̰̟̳̟͙͙̘̰̣̠̫̻̪̺̦̘̲͉̫̩̯̪̠͈̩͉͔̖͓͖͍̠̿͜͜ͅͅi̸̛̛̛̭̜̤̭͚͚̘͚͈̠͕̱̙͚̱̱̣̖͕̅̒̽͊͑̇̂́̐͊̇̏͋̌̾̐̓̐̋̑̒͛͌̐͂̅̓̈́̃̐͆́̈́͘͘͝͠͝͠͠ had disappeared. Yukinari fell to his knees, grasping his head as his breaths grew rapid once more. Then, abruptly, his eyes flew open, and his breathing calmed at once. He spun around to find himself alone, his hand pressing against his heart as his gaze sharpened. He had felt a touch - a presence warm and comforting as if his mother had returned to assure him all would be well.

Yet, there was no one to be seen. Yukinari’s clenched hand relaxed, allowing him to gaze upon his own palm. May his Heart… be his guiding Key? His eyes furrowed before growing wide and moving to pull the crowned card out again. He stared at the emblem of a sword designed on it.



Mickey Mouse Club March


In a grand, cartoon-style castle, a black-furred anthropomorphic mouse with matching round ears and a slender, long tail was seated at his desk, sifting through papers. The mouse, with cream-colored fur on his face, picked up the pen from his desk to jot something down when a knock resounded at the door. Setting the pen aside, he brought his white-gloved hand to his mouth and shouted with a falsetto, “Come on in!”

Entering the room was a gray-and-white anthropomorphic rabbit, clad in a high-collared white jacket with a ‘WB’ shield zipper. Over it, he wore an unzipped gray jacket with black block patterns, complemented by two-tone pants with gray legs transitioning into white fabric. Munching on a carrot, he quipped with a Brooklyn accent, “Eh… What’s up, doc?”

“Hiya, Bugs! You made it,” the Mouse exclaimed. The diminutive mouse hopped down from his chair and strolled over to shake hands with the taller rabbit. “How’ve you been, pal?” Bugs Bunny, King of Warnerstock, smiled warmly while taking a carrot bite.

“Good. I’ve been busy back in my world, but Lola said she can handle things while I train the squirt,” said Bugs, looking around. Then he asked, “Speaking of which, where’s Baby Bear, Mickey?” Mickey Mouse, the King of Disney Castle, sighed and lowered his head. Bugs casually leaned against the wall, carrot in hand, as he watched Mickey express his frustration. Mickey, looking worn out, ranted about Baby Bear’s recurring tardiness and impulsive tendencies.

It’s not that Mickey’s grievances were unjustified, but he and the Rabbit King weren’t so different in their early days. Indeed, Bugs may have been the quintessential Trickster Hero among the Three Kings, but there was a time when the venerable Mouse King rivaled Bugs in mischief and playfulness, frequently shirking duties and finding himself in predicaments. It was challenging not to yearn for the bygone days of playing ‘Rabbit Season, Duck Season’ with Daffy and Elmer Fudd. Or engaging in intergalactic/data-world basketball games alongside renowned NBA superstars (Storyteller and Bugs: We regret nothing).

Times changed, and they both gained knowledge of the Keyblade, delving into its study and the art of interworld travel. Yet, Bugs remained as self-assured as ever. He stayed calm, composed, and contemplative. Despite Bugs being known for losing his temper, the ‘Wascally Wabbit’ remained calm. Learning the ancient lore of the Keyblade didn’t alter these traits because he was an exceptionally ‘aware’ character. The Rabbit King of Warnerstock knew he was a character in a fanfiction penned by someone who embraced their inner child.

For this reason, Bugs often didn’t just act—he reacted. He consistently saw his adversaries’ challenges as ‘fun and games.’ Even when the Rabbit King seemed trapped or in grave danger and would scream, there’s no need for concern—it’s all an act. After all, Bugs has likely perused the fanfiction before it was even written and knows exactly how it ends. His good pal Mickey, however, was not the same. Back in the day, people laughed at him because the Mouse King was so human-like.

This was likely why Yen Sid kept him as an apprentice despite his youthful errors, and Mickey eventually became adept at wielding the Keyblade. Now, as the king of Disney Castle, Mickey was far more responsible and dutiful. This led to Baby Bear, who admired both of his predecessors and shared many of their traits. Like Mickey, Baby Bear was amiable and devoted, always maintaining a positive outlook and striving to boost the morale of those around him. He was ever willing to assist his friends and would defend them at any cost, exhibiting a resolve that remained unshaken.

Similar to Bugs, he possessed a keen self-awareness. However, his awareness of the fourth wall stemmed from his understanding of the ‘Infinitiverse Theory’, which posits the existence of an endless array of universes. Aware that he might be a character in a fanfiction within the Infinitiverse, Baby Bear recognized the infinite potential outcomes and choices, making it impossible to predict how events would unfold like Bugs. However, it was these very abilities that led to Mickey being chosen as the leader of the ‘Three Kings’ trio. It seemed like destiny.

After Mickey made his way to his desk, still grumbling, Bugs approached the Mouse King of Disney Castle.

“Alright Mick, take a breath,” said Bugs, patting Mickey on the back. The Mouse King inhaled deeply and then exhaled with force. “Despite his physical appearance, voice, and name, Baby Bear is chronologically an adult, not to mention a King of his own world, too. He’ll grasp what you’re trying to talk about one day, doc.

“So try not to fret so much,” Bugs said with encouragement. Mickey nodded, turned away, and went back to his desk. Then, the library door opened, and a yellow bloodhound emerged from behind it.


Mickey Mouse Club March end ♪


“Pluto?” Mickey called his dog, noticing an envelope in Pluto’s mouth. Its stamp featured the letters ‘BB’, reminiscent of toy alphabet blocks. Mickey unfolded the letter and perused its contents, pausing momentarily to blink before heaving a loud sigh and pressing his hand against his forehead. He passed the letter to Bugs, who read through it, his eyes widening with each word and his lips struggling to remain straight on the face of a rabbit. One key difference in the fourth wall awareness between Bugs and Baby Bear was that Baby Bear’s made him more unpredictable, even to someone like Bugs.

Bugs adhered to the script, altering it only when events didn’t play out to his advantage. However, this tactic was effective only when he was present to enact it. In contrast, Baby Bear did not adhere to the idea of a predetermined script; he believed in the power of free will.

Bugs examined the narrative’s subtext and revealed the letter. He said, “He wasn’t supposed to do this yet. So… That’s all, folks.



“To be continued… doc…”



Storyteller: 🙋🏾 Storyteller, here!

Bola8: Sup! Bola8, professional chaos gremlin, writer by trade, and Connoisseur of Mayhem on the free hours. Nice to meet you all!

Storyteller: So, funny story! I may have forgotten that because I usually like to write as if my stories are a living document. Baby Bear doesn’t have plot manipulation in his toon physiology… but he has complete plot defiance…

Bola: Deadpool, is that you?

Storyteller: I wanted my stories to have an end goal and the plot to feel natural, so it feels slightly more realistic than fantastical. I felt like the stories would be more inspiring if my characters felt in charge of their own destinies. Even the non-toon ones. But, hey, King Baby Bear is missing? Mysterious figures? Love problems and general worries? To borrow Tomoka’s words: Have no fear now that me and Bola are here…! To provide any info we can!

Bola: I think I could start with: You see that? That right there? That’s what we in the business call foreshadowing!

Storyteller: Ey~! Nice darkness pun! But we still have one more chapter to go before the Night of Fate. I mean, we still need to add complications with Yukinari’s relationships with Miharu, Koyomi, and Yukina. Not to mention, his brief Bell Cranel and Ais Wallenstein/Jeane Arc and Pyrrha Nikos style training arc with Saber.

Bola: The poor boy won’t know what hit him. Also, nice!

Storyteller: Now that I think about it, I wonder if I should introduce my Arynn’s Love Goddess in the next chapter to explain to the girls the situation or not? Indeed, it would be quite distinct from the 100 Girlfriends anime and could provide comedic relief, considering Yukinari already has plenty to contend with. And it’s about to get worse… ( looks to the side nervously )

Bola: I’m all for more chaos!

Storyteller: Alright! Let’s close out and see where this goes in the next chapter!!!



Next Time: Ĕ̶̅p̵̋͊ī̷̽s̷͚̏o̴͊͐d̶̃͘ȅ̴̚ ̶͋̒Ĭ̸͗I̶̅̌I̶͘͘





Another Side


In a circular room adorned with throne-like chairs of various heights, the Black Coat sat upon the tallest chair. Emerging from a darkened corridor, a figure in a brown hooded robe appeared on a throne. This Robed Figure wore two dark brown straps crossing over the shoulders and chest, each strap embellished with five metallic studs.

“Apathy… It has been far too long… Master ,” greeted the Black Coat.

“The final Lightborn has finally awakened,” stated the Robed Figure.

“Correction… One cannot force a tree to bloom on command, nor to yield fruit before its time,” the Black Coat responded, gesturing to conjure an image of Yukinari walking. “But have no concern, their leader shall be prepared shortly, and then our next game will soon begin.”

“Excellent. But what of the traitors within your ranks?” The Black Coat scoffed at the Robed Figure’s inquiry, then with a wave of his hand, conjured a hologram of another figure clad in black, which materialized on the table beneath them.

“I wouldn’t quite call Belphegor a traitor. He’s more of an impatient being, eager to live fast and disappear prematurely with his reckless plans. Yet, despite his lack of experience, his scheme might just fuel our goal, particularly when it concludes as I know it will. Scapegoat... Martyr… Sometimes, a pawn must be sacrificed to achieve a strategic advantage.” The Black Coat gestured, and ‘Belphegor’ was replaced by two smaller figures in black coats.

“Regarding Monokuma… Wildcard… Is there much to say about their nature? As their leader, I cannot curb the fancies of an artiste, nor can Monomi, their sister, tame the impulsive and unpredictable nature of her sibling. Thus, I let them act freely, as their antics have only served our purposes well.” The leader of the Black Coats faced his master and declared, “Superiority… Naturally, should you deem my judgment overly merciful, I shall not hinder you from disposing of them as you deem appropriate, Master.

“Regarding the true traitors…” he gestured, and the images of ‘Monokuma’ and ‘Monomi’ were supplanted by four black coats. “Miscalculation… I confess, the prospect of these four betraying us was unforeseen. Such poor fools. How long will they pursue the mirage of salvation? Striving so desperately to reclaim what was lost, when perhaps it was never there to begin with. In the end, these poor, unfortunate souls merit only our pity.”

“You behave as if you possess a conscience. Yet, we both understand that your kind is no more capable of emotion than Nobodies.” The Robed Figure inquired, “When was the last time beings of darkness such as yourselves experienced any feelings?” The Black Coat turned to his master, a slight and icy smile just discernible beneath his hood.

“And here I was, thinking my facade was improving. Is it so wrong for a dark, emotionless entity like myself to possess a sense of humor? A dark joke it may be, but it should be more than fitting for a creature of darkness, born… of…




Another Side end ♪





Storyteller: O_O Well… That was a thing… What did you make of that glitch, Bola?

Bola: Mysterious characters, cryptic words, glitch font… We all know where this is going, don’t we?

Storyteller: Well, this is a Kingdom Hearts AU fanfic. Wouldn’t be much of one if the heroes’ journey was easy, right? As they say, the things that shine the brightest create the darkest shadows!

Bola: Being a Chosen One must suck then.

Storyteller: With that said, let’s try this again



Next Time: Episode III
Chain of Memories



Bola: Well, that ain‘t ominous.

Storyteller: It could always be worse. The title could have been “old sins cast long shadows.”



Book χ Reports




A 10-year-old Seiren child prodigy from the SMB who was dispatched to assist Koyomi in the quest to find a suitable groom for Miharu’s elder sister, Maharu, following her unsuccessful attempts.

Despite her youth, Tomoka strongly objects to being treated as a child, asserting her maturity, although her actions often suggest otherwise. She admires Kirie, viewing her as an older sister figure. Tomoka’s young age allows her to interact with me without activating my allergy.

She often employs Ebi as an impromptu weapon to attack nearly anything or anyone more than her transformation magic.

She loved watching Poyon in “ Girls Bravo ” (2004 - 2005).




A creature from Seiren, who became a beloved pet for Miharu and the rest of my house.

She inadvertently hitched a ride in Tomoka’s bag, misplacing her mission gear. Ebi endures much suffering under Tomoka, who employs her as a club, flail, fishing bait, or even a handball. Also, Ebi can unleash a potent beam attack known as the E-beam from her mouth, though it requires time to recharge.

When Tomoka temporarily transformed Ebi into a girl, Kirie and I found ourselves more captivated by Ebi’s new form than by giving Tomoka attention.

She served as the lovable mascot of “ Girls Bravo ” (2004 - 2005).




A mysterious boy of Valor red who appeared in my “dream”. Despite a sense of familiarity, little is known about him.

Heaven’s Lost Property ” (2009).




A mysterious boy of Wisdom blue who appeared in my “dream”. Despite a sense of familiarity, little is known about him.

Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts ” (2010)




A woman who appeared in my dreams. She possessed a stoic demeanor that imparted the essence of a ‘Master’ or ‘Teacher,’ though little else is known about her.

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid ” (2019)




A mysterious boy whose identity is masked by a black coat. He left only cryptic words that raised more questions than answers. I am concerned that this encounter may not be our last…



See ya later, Storytellers!



Kingdom Hearts Re:Infinity χ - Link to All - Chapter 2 - Storyteller_Kimi03 (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.