Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2024)

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Serves: 6-8

Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2)Prep time: 1 hr

Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (3)Total time:

Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (4)

Recipe photograph by Kris Kirkham

Recipe by Debbie Major

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Smoky chorizo ramps up the flavour in this twist on a family favourite

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Mains Lamb Slow cook Spanish Comfort Pies Batch cooking

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Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (7)

Debbie Major

Cook, writer and food stylist, Debbie's reputation for foolproof, delicious recipes is second to none. She is renowned for her dedication to seasonal home cooking and her love of all things rustic and authentic. Simplicity over cheffy is her motto!

See more of Debbie Major’s recipes

Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (8)

Debbie Major

Cook, writer and food stylist, Debbie's reputation for foolproof, delicious recipes is second to none. She is renowned for her dedication to seasonal home cooking and her love of all things rustic and authentic. Simplicity over cheffy is her motto!

See more of Debbie Major’s recipes

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  • 1.5kg boneless lamb shoulder, trimmed and diced
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 100g cooking chorizo, skinned and chopped
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 200g carrots, diced
  • 1 small leek, cleaned and thinly sliced
  • 2 celery sticks, diced
  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée
  • 15g plain flour
  • 600ml lamb or chicken stock
  • 4 sprigs of thyme, leaves picked
  • 4 fresh bay leaves
For the topping
  • 1.2 kg floury potatoes, such as King Edwards, peeled
  • 50g butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 3 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 100g Manchego cheese, grated


Step by step

Get ahead

Prepare to the end of step 5, cooling the filling and mash before assembling. Cover and chill or freeze. Add 10-15 minutes cooking time from chilled

  1. Season the diced lamb. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large, flameproof casserole, add half the lamb and fry over a high heat until nicely browned all over. Spoon onto a plate and repeat with the rest of the lamb (you shouldn’t need any more oil for the second batch). Add the chorizo to the casserole and fry briefly until lightly golden. Scoop out to the plate.
  2. Preheat the oven to 150°C, fan 130°C, gas 2. Add the remaining tablespoon of olive oil to the casserole with the onions and garlic and fry over a medium heat for 8-10 minutes until soft and lightly golden. Add the carrots, leek and celery and fry for 5 minutes more. Stir in the smoked paprika, tomato purée and flour and cook for 1-2 minutes, stirring. Gradually add the stock, stirring until smooth. Bring to a simmer and add the thyme, bay leaves, lamb, chorizo and seasoning. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook in the oven for 11⁄2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  3. Remove the lid from the casserole and cook uncovered in the oven for another 30 minutes to reduce and thicken the sauce, by which time the lamb should be meltingly tender and just falling apart. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into large chunks, put into a large pan of cold salted water and bring to the boil. Cook for 20 minutes until tender then drain into a colander and leave to steam for a couple of minutes.
  4. Melt the butter in the used potato pan, cook the garlic for 1 minute, then mash with the potatoes and parsley, off the heat. Season to taste.
  5. Put a baking tray into the oven and heat to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas 6. Season the lamb mixture to taste and spoon into a deep 24cm x 30cm ovenproof baking dish. Spoon over the mashed potatoes, making sure they make a good seal with the edge of the dish. Lightly rough up the surface with the back of a fork and scatter over the grated cheese.
  6. Bake for 35-40 minutes until bubbling hot and golden brown.

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Slow-cooked Spanish-style shepherd’s pie recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2024)


Why is my shepherd's pie soggy? ›

Classic shepherd's pie is made with ground lamb, gravy, mashed potatoes, and veggies like peas, corn, celery, and carrots. Why is my shepherd's pie soggy? Avoid a soggy pie by simmering the meat mixture for at least 8 minutes. Be sure to cook down the mixture to remove excess moisture.

What is a shepherd's pie called when it is made from beef? ›

The two English terms have been used interchangeably since they came into use in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, although some writers insist that a shepherd's pie should contain lamb or mutton, and a cottage pie, beef.

How long does homemade shepherd's pie last? ›

Freshly baked shepherd's pie will keep for about 3 to 5 days in the fridge; refrigerate covered with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

Can I use sweet potatoes for shepherd's pie? ›

Because sweet potatoes contain more water than Yukon Gold or russet potatoes, the topping will be softer here than in a traditional shepherd's pie. It will firm up as it cools, but make sure to cook any excess moisture from the potatoes before mashing to ensure the mash is thick.

How do you keep the bottom crust from getting soggy? ›

Blind Bake the Crust

One of the fool-proof ways to ensure a crisp bottom pie crust is to do what is called blind baking. This simply means that you bake the crust—either fully if you are adding a custard or cream that won't be cooked, or partially if the whole pie needs to bake—before adding the filling.

How to thicken up shepherd's pie? ›

How can I thicken my shepherd's pie? This shepherd's pie recipe uses 2 tablespoons of flour to thicken the gravy but if you feel like the meat mixture is too watery, add in another tablespoon and stir to combine. You may also try simmering the mince mixture for longer so that the stock reduces down and thickens.

Is it safe to eat shepherd's pie that was left out overnight? ›

The USDA says food that has been left out of the fridge for more than two hours should be thrown away. At room temperature, bacteria grows incredibly fast and can make you sick. Reheating something that has been sitting at room temperature for longer than two hours won't be safe from bacteria.

Can you reheat homemade shepherd's pie twice? ›

But provided you heat it for the right amount of time and at the correct temperature, you should be okay to reheat your food multiple times. That being said, every time you reheat food, the quality may decrease as reheating has been known to alter the consistency or taste of food.

Is it better to freeze shepherds pie cooked or uncooked? ›

You can freeze shepherd's pie before baking it. This way, you can save time by defrosting your oven-ready shepherd's pie whenever you want to enjoy it.

Why does my potato sink in shepherds pie? ›

How do you keep potatoes from sinking in shepherd's pie? Let the beef layer cool before you top it with the mashed potatoes. This is the number one way to keep your potatoes from sinking. Another tip is to not make your potatoes too runny because firmer mashed potatoes stay more level while baking.

Can I substitute cornstarch for flour in shepherd's pie? ›

If you would prefer the peas instead of the corn, feel free to add those instead. I also swap out the flour for cornstarch in my recipe. It is an easy switch to make this recipe gluten free, and you won't even notice the difference. For the potatoes I would suggest using either Yukon Gold or Russet.

How to make shepherd's pie less soupy? ›

Why is my Shepherd's Pie soupy? If your casserole is too runny, chances are you either didn't add enough flour to thicken the gravy or you didn't simmer it long enough to reduce the liquid. Also, make sure your potatoes are thoroughly drained before making the mashed potatoes, so the topping is not too sloppy.

Why does my pie get soggy? ›

A soggy bottom crust happens when the wet filling of your pie soaks into the raw pie dough beneath before it's had a chance to set, causing it to become sodden and gummy. This is particularly problematic with both fruit pie and custard fillings because they have high moisture content.

How to fix dry shepherd's pie in the oven? ›

To properly reheat shepherd's pie in the oven, wrap the dish in foil, then place it in an oven at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. If you're reading this, chances are you have a delicious shepherd's pie stored in your freezer or fridge, and you're looking for the ideal method to heat it.

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