Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (2024)

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (1)

Reporting can be the height of tedium. You spend your time making those reports, your client may (or may not) spend their time trying to understand them. And then, in the end, we’re all left with some unanswered questions and a rumble in the tum of dissatisfaction.

I’m going to take some basic metrics, throw in some culinary metaphors, and take your client reporting to the next level.

By the end of this article you’ll know how to whip up intelligent SEO reports for your clients (or potential clients) that will deliver actionable insights any search chef worth their salt would be proud of.

[Part one] Freshly foraged keywords on sourdough to power your campaign

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (2)

I’ve got intel on some really tasty keywords; did you know you can scoop these up like wild porcini mushrooms using your website categories? The trick is to find the keywords that you can use to make a lovely risotto, and discard the ones that taste nasty.

The overabundance of keywords has become a bit of a challenge for SEOs. Google is better at gauging user intent — it’s kind of their thing, right? This results in the types of keywords that send traffic to your clients expanding, and it’s becoming trickier to track every. single. keyword. Of course, with a budget big enough almost anything is possible, but why hemorrhage cash on tracking the keyword minutiae when you can wrangle intelligent data by tracking a sample of keywords from a few pots?

With Keyword Explorer, you can save your foraged terms to lists. By bundling together similar "species," you'll get a top-level view of the breadth and depth of search behavior within the categories of your niche. Easily compare volume, difficulty, opportunity, and potential to instigate a data-driven approach to website architecture. You’ll also know, at a glance, where to expand on certain topics and apply more resources to content creation.

With these metrics in hand and your client’s industry knowledge, you can cherry-pick keywords to track ranking positions week over week and add them to your Moz Pro campaign with the click of a button.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Pluck keywords from the category pages of your client’s site.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (3)

Step 2: Find keyword suggestions in Keyword Explorer.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (4)

Step 3: Group by low lexicon to bundle together similar keywords to gather up that long tail.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (5)

Step 4: Analyze and save relevant results to a list

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (6)

Step 5: Head to the Keyword Lists and compare the metrics: where is the opportunity? Can you compete with the level of difficulty? Is there a high-volume long tail that you can dig in to?

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (7)

Step 6: Add sample keywords from your pots directly to your campaign.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (8)

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (9)

Bonus step: Repeat for products or other topic segments of the niche.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (10)

Don’t forget to drill into the keywords that are turning up here to see if there are categories and subcategories you hadn’t thought of. These can be targeted in existing content to further extend the relevancy and reach of your client’s content. Or it may inspire new content which can help to grow the authority of the site.

Why your client will be impressed

Through solid, informed research, you’ll be able to demonstrate why their site should be structured with certain categories on the top-level navigation right down to product pages. You’ll also be able to prioritize work on building, improving, or refining content on certain sections of the site by understanding the breakdown of search behavior and demand. Are you seeing lots of keywords with a good level of volume and lower difficulty? Or more in-depth long tail with low search volume? Or fewer different keywords with high search volume but stronger competition?

Let the demand drive the machine forward and make sure you’re giving the hordes what they want.

All this helps to further develop your understanding of the ways people search so you can make informed decisions about which keywords to track.

[Part two] Palate-cleansing lemon keyword label sorbet

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (11)

Before diving into the next course you need to cleanse your palate with a lemon "label" sorbet.

In Part One, we talked about the struggle of maintaining gigantic lists of keywords. We’ve sampled keywords from our foraged pots, keeping these arranged and segmented in our Moz Pro campaign.

Now you want to give those tracked keywords a more defined purpose in life. This will help to reinforce to your client why you’re tracking these keywords, what the goal is for tracking them, and in what sort of timeframe you’re anticipating results.

Types of labels may include:

  • Local keywords: Is your business serving local people, like a mushroom walking tour? You can add geo modifiers to your keywords and label them as such.
  • Long-tail keywords: Might have lower search volume, but focused intent can convert well for your client.
  • High-priority keywords: Where you’re shoveling more resources, these keywords are more likely impacting the other keyword segments.
  • Brand keywords: Mirror, mirror on the wall... yeah, we all want those vanity keywords, don’t lie. You can manage brand keywords automatically through "Manage Brand Rules" in Moz Pro:

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (12)

A generous scoop of tasty lemon "label" sorbet will make all the work you do and progress you achieve infinitely easier to report on with clear, actionable focus.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Label your keywords like a pro.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (13)

Step 2: Filter by labels in the Ranking tab to analyze Search Visibility for your keyword segments.

In this example, I’m comparing our visibility for "learn" keywords against "guide" keywords:

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (14)

Step 3: Create a custom report for your keyword segments.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (15)

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (16)

Step 4: Add a drizzle of balsamic vinegar by triggering the Optimize button — now you can send the latest on-page reporting with your super-focused ranking report.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (17)

Why your client will be impressed

Your ranking reports will be like nothing your client has ever tasted. They will be tightly focused on the segments of keywords you’re working on, so they aren’t bamboozled by a new slew of keywords or a sudden downward trend. By clearly segmenting your piles of lovely keywords, you’ll be proactively answering those inevitable queries about why, when, and in what form your client will begin to see results.

With the on-page scores updating automatically and shipping out to your client’s inbox every month via a custom report, you’ll be effortlessly highlighting what your team has achieved.

[Part three] Steak sandwich links with crispy competitor bacon

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (18)

You’re working with your client to publish content, amplifying it through social channels and driving brand awareness through PR campaigns.

Now you want to keep them informed of the big wins you’ve had as a result of that grind. Link data in Moz Pro focuses on the highest-quality links with our Mozscape index, coming from the most prominent pages of authoritative sites. So, while you may not see every link for a site within our index, we're reporting the most valuable ones.

Alongside our top-quality steak sarnie, we’re add some crispy competitor bacon so you can identify what content is working for the other sites in your industry.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Check that you have direct competitors set up on your campaign.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (19)

Step 2: Compare link metrics for your site and your competitors.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (20)

Step 4: Head to Top Pages to see what those competitors are doing to get ahead.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (21)

Step 5: Compile a delicious report sandwich!

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Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (23)

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (24)

Step 6: Make another report for Top Pages for the bacon-filled sandwich experience.

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Why your client will be impressed

Each quality established link gives your client a clear idea of the value of their content and the blood, sweat, and tears of your team.

These little gems are established and more likely to have an impact on their ranking potential. Don’t forget to have a chat with your client where you explain that a link's impact on rankings takes time.

By comparing this directly with the other sites battling it out for top SERP property, it’s easier to identify progress and achievements.

By highlighting those pesky competitors and their top pages by authority, you’re also getting ahead of that burning question of: How can we improve?

[Part four] Cinnamon-dusted ranking reports with cherry-glazed traffic

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (26)

Rankings are a staple ingredient in the SEO diet. Much like the ever-expanding keyword list, reporting on rankings has become something we do without thinking enough about that what clients can do with that information.

Dish up an all-singing, all-dancing cinnamon-dusted rankings report with cherry-glazed traffic by illustrating the direct impact these rankings have on organic traffic. Real people, coasting on through the search results to your client’s site.

Landing Pages in Moz Pro compares rankings with organic landing pages, imparting not just the ranking score but the value of those pages. Compliments to the chef, because that good work is down to you.

What’s the recipe?

Step 1: Track your target keywords in Moz Pro.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (27)

Step 2: Check you’ve hooked up Google Analytics for that tasty traffic data.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (28)

Step 3: Discover landing pages and estimated traffic share.

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As your SEO work drives more traffic to those pages and your keyword rankings steadily increase, you’ll see your estimated traffic share go up.

If your organic traffic from search is increasing but your ranking is dropping off, it’s an indication that this keyword isn’t the driving force.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (30)

Now you can have a dig around and find out why that keyword isn’t performing, starting with your on-page optimization and following up with keyword research.

Why your client will be impressed

We all send ranking reports, and I’m sure clients just love it. But now you can dazzle them with an insight into what those rankings mean for the lifeblood of their site.

You can also take action by directing more energy towards those well-performing keywords, or investigate what worked well for those pages and replicate it across other keywords and pages on your site.

Wrapping up

It’s time to say "enough is enough" and inject some flavor into those bland old SEO reports. Your team will save time and your clients will thank you for the tasty buffet of reporting delight.

Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (31)

Next Level is our educational series combining actionable SEO tips with tools you can use to achieve them. Check out any of our past editions below:

  • I've Optimized My Site, But I'm Still Not Ranking—Help!
  • Diving for Pearls: A Guide to Long Tail Keywords
  • Be Your Site's Hero: An Audit Manifesto
  • How to Defeat Duplicate Content
  • Conquer Your Competition with These Three Moz Tools
  • 10 Tips to Take the Moz Tools to the Next Level
Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level] (2024)


Tasty SEO Report Recipes to Save Time & Add Value for Clients [Next Level]? ›

It tells you which SEO marketing efforts are working (e.g., identify specific keywords for organic search) and recommends opportunities for growth. An excellent SEO report includes an overview, key metrics (usually shown in graphs and charts), and high-level opportunities on what to do next.

What should an SEO report contain? ›

It tells you which SEO marketing efforts are working (e.g., identify specific keywords for organic search) and recommends opportunities for growth. An excellent SEO report includes an overview, key metrics (usually shown in graphs and charts), and high-level opportunities on what to do next.

How to write a SEO audit report? ›

What should an SEO report contain?
  1. Title Card – The front page of your SEO report. ...
  2. Performance summary – An overview of your SEO performance for the time period. ...
  3. Keyword rankings – See how rankings of the most important keywords have changed. ...
  4. Links – Share the most relevant updates with the website's link profile.
May 9, 2024

How do you present SEO strategy to clients? ›

9 Simple Tips to Explain SEO to Your Clients
  1. Set Expectations Early. ...
  2. Communicate Results – Often. ...
  3. Assess their Level of SEO Knowledge. ...
  4. Let them Know Google Runs the Show. ...
  5. Provide a Brief Explanation of Industry Best Practices. ...
  6. Keep them Informed. ...
  7. Provide Real-World Examples: ...
  8. Walk Through the SEO Process:
Jan 16, 2020

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In addition, cold outreach can be an effective strategy to promote your services. List potential clients and contact them via email, LinkedIn, or their social media accounts. You can offer them a free SEO audit and recommendations to improve their website performance.

How to do an SEO audit for a client? ›

SEO audit checklist
  1. Identify link building opportunities.
  2. Find potential information architecture improvements.
  3. Find (and fix) thin content.
  4. Identify (and nix) duplicate content.
  5. Scan for keyword optimization.
  6. Optimize metadata.
  7. Identify page update opportunities.
  8. Run page speed analytics.
Dec 1, 2023

How do you write a simple audit report? ›

10 Best Practices for Writing a Digestible Audit Report
  1. Reference everything.
  2. Include a reference section.
  3. Use figures, visuals, and text stylization.
  4. Contextualize the audit.
  5. Include positive and negative findings.
  6. Ensure every issue incorporates the five C's of observations.
  7. Include detailed observations.
Nov 14, 2023

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How to write a winning SEO proposal in 10 steps
  1. Step 1: Ask your prospect some questions. ...
  2. Step 2: Don't reinvent the wheel every time. ...
  3. Step 3: Write a killer executive summary. ...
  4. Step 4: List your deliverables. ...
  5. Step 5: Show them that you can get the job done. ...
  6. Step 6: Build a timeline. ...
  7. Step 7: Make an offer they can't refuse.
Jul 9, 2020

How do you structure a client report? ›

7 Tips for Writing a Client Report
  1. Agree on Timing and Content. Establish report timing and content at the start of your client engagement. ...
  2. Write a Strong Summary. ...
  3. Maximize Readability. ...
  4. Write Clearly. ...
  5. Be Accurate. ...
  6. Reflect Your Personal Brand. ...
  7. Write for Your Audience.

How do I create an automated SEO report? ›

Key Insights

Setting up automated SEO reports is a five-step process, including choosing KPIs, establishing benchmarks for success, building a dashboard and data vizualizations in Looker Studio, selecting a reporting frequency, and analyzing data.

How do I sell SEO to clients? ›

How to Sell SEO (With Expert Tips)
  1. Show results to establish credibility.
  2. Find and qualify prospects.
  3. Pitch outcomes in discovery sessions.
  4. Follow up with a one-page proposal.
  5. Create an SEO forecast to reassure the client.
  6. Close.
  7. 6 tips from the pros on how to get your first clients.
Jan 16, 2024

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.