What Is Coil Pottery? Ideas For Beginners! | Bay Of Clay (2024)

Coil pottery originated in central Mexico about 4000 years ago and spread north. It is a way of producing thicker and taller vessels. But which skills do you need to master for this technique and does it take a lot of effort to make coil pots at home?

Clay coiling is a method of stacking and combining clay coils one upon another. Coil combining requires keen attention to avoid cracks or separations during firing. Soft clay and the proper way of combining coils help prevent cracking or coil separation.

This technique offers you superior control over the construction of vessels. It allows you to make them look bulky. Same time bulge outward or narrow inward with less likelihood of collapsing.

What Is The Method For Making Coil Pots At Home?

Create the coil pot base by rolling out a slab of clay. You can use a rolling pin or a slab roller to do this. It is ideal to have a base thickness of a quarter to two-thirds of an inch.

Cut out the base to the desired dimensions with a knife or needle tool. Place the base on a support surface that allows for easy movement. It can be a wooden bat or a bisque (biscuit) clay disc.

Once the pot base is ready, you can begin adding the first clay coil. It is not enough to press the coil down on the base. This video shows just how creative you can be with coil pottery.

Score the clay surface of the base with a needle tool or other modeling tool with a serrated edge. So, you are cutting small notches into the clay to create a texture on its surface. These shallow notches provide space for the slip, which acts as a glue to form a stronger bond.

Related: 10 Pottery Tools You Need to Own! (For Beginners)

Apply a coat of slip to the scored area using a paintbrush. Line the coil on the base or on the coil below and trim the ends to the right length. You also need to use the slip-and-score technique to bond two ends of the coil. Clay should be leather-hard when scoring or slipping.

Press the two pieces of clay together for about a minute. Be careful not to squash the coil shape when applying sufficient pressure. If the pieces stay together on their own, stop squeezing.

How Can I Blend The Surface Of The Clay To Form A Strong Bond?

Blend the coil with the base clay surface to further strengthen the bond. With the coil in the right position, blend the surface using a modeling tool or your thumb. Depending on your choice, you can either leave the coils visible or smooth them away.

As you blend the surface, the coil design disappears. If you want the coil to be visible on the outside, then you need to blend the inside surface. You should blend the interior of a vessel containing water so that the interior is smooth and sealed.

By stacking coils one on top of another, you can start to build your pot’s sides. Using your thumb or index finger (forefinger, pointer finger), you can join the upper and lower coils together. This process is also possible with a wooden or silicon rib tool. During the merging process, the clay needs to be soft.

To make the coils visible from the inside and outside, you need to use the slip-and-score method to bind them together. In this way, bonding strength becomes weaker and prone to detachment when firing. In such cases, you should be precise with the slip-and-score method.

Support the clay on one side with one hand as you merge two layers. Smudge the clay on the opposing side with the thumb of your other hand.

Adding up to three layers at a time before smudging and blending is possible. Make sure that the coil joints are not in a line.

In order to build walls outward, add coils to the outer edge of the coil below. Add coils along the inner edge of the coils below to bring the walls back in. Apart from this basic widening and narrowing technique, you are free to experiment.

Adding a few coils together can make a creative collar, for example. During a break, cover your work and pre-made coils to keep the clay moist and soft. To create the pot’s rim add a new coil without smoothing. Watch this video to learn more about coil pot-making techniques.

To hold the full weight of the pot, the bond of the rim coil should be strong enough. Cover it and let it stand for a while for setting before attaching it. Attach the rim coil to the pot by scoring and creating a slip on both surfaces. Using a wooden paddle, shape and reinforce the coiled wall.

Does Coil Pottery Require A Special Type Of Clay?

Pick a clay type with the right strength and low coefficient of expansion (COE). Because of the need for thicker walls and greater strength in larger structures. Clay bodies containing sand or grog (firesand, chamotte) work best for this purpose.

As stoneware or earthenware clays contain grog, they are most suitable for coil pottery. Clay should be soft and moist, but not sticky and wet. It is ideal to have a shrinkage rate of 8 percent or less. Clay that is stiff cannot create a firm bond, so it should be soft and pliable.

Is There An Easy Way To Check The Suitability Of Clay?

Take a piece of clay and roll it on your table to see if it sticks. If it does, the clay is too soft and wet. If you see cracks on the coil surface as you roll it, then your clay is too dry.

When Building Coil Pottery, What Are The Best Practices?

Add no more than 5 or 6 coils per session to avoid deforming the pot. For the clay to harden, allow it to sit for about one day following each session. When binding coils, it is better to use both slip-and-score and blending techniques. This offers a higher degree of strength.

The Most Creative Coil Pot Ideas

Coil pot design ideas span several categories, such as patterned coil pots, themed coil pots, coil bowls, and smooth coil pottery. Coil pottery allows you to express your creativity. For beginners, this is a convenient way to learn the basics.

What Is Coil Pottery? Ideas For Beginners! | Bay Of Clay (2024)


What is the coil method of clay? ›

Coil pottery is a method of handbuilding pottery where a potter forms a base, walls, and style by combining clay coils (or cylinders). The potter rolls the clay into coils, stacks the coils together, and joins the coils through pressure creating a vessel.

What do you need to do first with your clay before making a coil? ›

Construction and Tools Needed
  1. Flatten piece of clay to about 1/4" thickness. ...
  2. Score and slip slab and lay the first layer of coil. ...
  3. Smooth the outside using a rib. ...
  4. Keep adding layers. ...
  5. To widen the pot, use longer coils. ...
  6. Use the same method as above to create the pot's rim.

What is traditional coil pottery? ›

Coil pottery is one of the earliest techniques for making pots from clay. Many ancient civilizations and cultures around the world have made coil pottery. They come in all sizes, large or small. Some were used for storage or everyday use, and others for special purposes.

What is the best clay for coiling? ›

If you have a limited choice of kilns available to you, then earthenware clay might be the best option as it is a low fire clay. It is also easier to shape and more malleable because it has a plastic base. This also means that it will hold its shape really well after you have formed it.

What is an example of coiling? ›

A long scarf was coiled around her neck. The cat coiled up into a ball. The snake coiled around its prey.

What are the 2 main methods to create clay work? ›

The three hand builiding methods are slab construction, coiling and pinching.
  • Slab construction. Clay is first rolled out using either a slab roller or a normal baking rolling pin. ...
  • Coiling. For bigger ceramic pieces, most makers would consider using the second type of hand building method, coiling. ...
  • Pinching.
Sep 11, 2018

When making a coil What is the best way to start? ›

To make a flat coil, start with a round coil (1) and flatten it with a paddle or rolling pin (more advanced students could also use the palm of their hand) (2). Flat coils add height by making walls taller faster. Similar to slabs, flat coils are good at horizontal curves, but less suited to vertical curves.

What is coil pottery used for? ›

Coiling is a method of creating pottery. It has been used to shape clay into vessels for many thousands of years.

What is the earliest coil pottery? ›

Coil pottery originated in Central Mexico nearly 4000 years ago and slowly spread north, and I mean slooooooowly. It took nearly 2000 years for coil pottery technology to travel to the area around Tucson, Arizona where the earliest pottery in the United States has been found.

How thick should clay coils be? ›

Spritz a small amount of water on a drywall wareboard and roll out enough coils to build your form, then let them rest (1). The coils should be the thickness of a standard pen. After the clay is slightly less impressionable, roll out any undesired areas of thickness to create an even coil.

What are the 3 methods of forming clay? ›

The three methods of handbuilding are pinching, coiling and slab building. Once you have experience with these three methods, you can make just about any object out of clay. It helps to start with pinching, and build upon the technique with coiling, before moving onto to slab construction.

What are the methods of processing clay? ›

For most applications, clays are processed by mechanical methods, such as crushing, grinding, and screening, that do not appreciably alter the chemical or mineralogical properties of the material.

What is the difference between the coil and the slab technique in clay sculpting? ›

Coil building is a forming method that uses ropelike coils of plastic clay, assembled in successive courses to build up wall of vessel or sculpture. The slab technique starts with smooth slabs of clay that are then formed around molds or shaped by hand.

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